Forgotten New York

GRENADA MEDALLION, Greenwich Village

This is one of Avenue of the Americas’ dwindling supply of lamppost medallions, installed around 1960 to honor the involvement of the USA in the Organization of American States, which includes most of the countries in North, Central and South America. Though a lamppost replacement initiative around 1992 claimed most of them, they can still be found along 6th Avenue between Canal and West 4th Streets, and uptown between West 57th Street and Central Park South.

This one honors the Caribbean island country of Grenada, most famous for its invasion by US forces in 1983 after a Marxist military overthrow of elected Grenadan leader Maurice Bishop.

Grenada’s coat of arms shows the Santa Maria, the flagship of Columbus’ fleet, an English lion. The crescent, out of which comes a white lily, is a symbol for the Catholic population. The seven flowers on the helmet depict the seven parishes on the island. On either side of the shield is an armadillo and a Grenadan dove. The base shows the two mountains and the major lake (Grand Etang) on the island. The banner says, in English:

Ever conscious of God we aspire, build and advance as one people.

For the whole list of remaining country medallions, see FNY’s Medallions of the Hemisphere page.


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