The Gardiner Tyler Mansion, 27 Tyler Avenue between Bement Avenue and Clove Road, was constructed circa 1835 when most of the surrounding region consisted of farms and fields. President John Tyler’s widow, Julia Gardiner Tyler (1820-1889) resided in this house during the Civil War. Virginian John Tyler, the 10th President, was the first US President to be married during his administration. His widow moved here after his death in 1862; even though she was born in New York, she ardently supported the Confederacy. John and Julia Tyler are buried in Richmond — Virginia, that is, not Staten Island.
In an amazing quirk, two of President Tyler’s grandsons were still around in 2015 — even though Tyler (1790-1862) was born in the 18th Century. Tyler had eight children with his first wife, Letitia, and seven with his second wife, Julia. One of his sons with Julia, Lyon Gardiner Tyler (1853-1935) is the father of Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Jr. (1924- ) and Harrison Ruffin Tyler (1928- ); they reside in Tennessee and Virginia, respectively. Lyon G. Tyler fathered the two sons at age 72 and 75!