Forgotten NY correspondent
Remember E.J. Korvettes, Woolworths, A&S, Coward Shoes, Gage & Tollner, Mays and Martins? If you’re a Brooklynite of a certain age, you will. The aforementioned businesses once all thrived in their respective locations throughout Downtown Brooklyn. All of them, and many more, remain only in our memories. The revelation of this sign was due to a newer sign being removed for the next tenant at this storefront near an entrance to the Jay Street/Metrotech station at the northeast corner of Fulton and Jay Streets. Are there any FNY fans who know about the Waldorf Cafeteria? Please comment if you have any knowledge of this former restaurant.
[That’s one dentist I think I’ll avoid. –Ed.]
Waldorf Cafeteria, 1960 [Brooklyn Historical Society]