While NYC’s last remaining gaslight post (now equipped with an electric bulb) in Patchen Place across the street is perhaps better known, this modified (missing ladder rest) Type 1 Bishop Crook is also quite venerable, with perhaps an installation date of 1915 or previous.
This Type 1 BC lost its decorative scrollwork located in the hollow at the top of the post decades ago and was never replaced. Its original location was at the corner of West 10th and Patchen. In the mid-1990s, the Department of Transportation added a run of retro versions of Bishop Crook posts using the somewhat larger Type 24 model, but adding the decorative acanthus garland of the Type 1 BC on the shaft; the older post was moved off the corner.
Because it had NYC Landmarks protection the DOT couldn’t simply discard it which would have likely been the preference. It was, instead, moved across West 10th to the service/freight entrance of the Jefferson Market Library. I was lucky enough to find the gate open, got my photo and hustled before I could be shooed out. Glad to get this shot clean instead of through the bars of the fence!
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