I have mentioned the Emil Talamini Real Estate office painted sign on the side of the handsome Villager apartment building at 450 6th Avenue, between West 10th and 11th, before. I thought I would show a photo from the summer of 2018 to show that it’s still hanging in there, a bit faded from when I first saw it 20 years ago. Talamini was a well-known Village fixture in his heyday and died relatively young, in 1970 at age 64. He began his career with the “dean of NYC real estate” Charles Floyd Noyes, who has a surviving painted ad of his own on West 34th Street near Penn Station.
A close look at the ad will reveal a palimpsest, or one ad painted over a more faded one. Different kinds of paint bleach out at different periods of time, making these painted-over ads visible. Talamini’s old phone number with the ALgonquin exchange is also visible.
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