Forgotten New York

COURT PLACE, Richmondtown

Happy Saturday. A short time ago, a couple of collectors posted on Facebook some photos of examples of these Staten Island street signs in their possession, which they had restored to one degree or the other. From the 1910s to the 1960s, these were seen by the thousands on Staten Island street corners, metal frames with porcelain interiors, and a yellow or gold background with black lettering.

Richmondtown, the historic village in central Staten Island, once had a set of two separate examples of these, at Court Place and Richmond Road and another at Arthur Kill Road and Center Street. The latter disappeared over a decade ago, but the pair shown here survived until about 2 years ago when sidewalks were installed on Court Place and the sign disappeared.

I would like to think Richmondtown Restoration preserved them, but they may very well have been scrapped…who cares about old street signs (say the people who take them down).

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