Forgotten New York


In July, during a temporary cessation of the insane heat and humidity, I walked past a simple building with a wide red door at #411 Kent, just south of Broadway. Naturally, I assumed it to be a former firehouse, and the website 6 Sq Ft does, as well, showcasing the apartment within a “former firehouse.” In fact the place is fairly spectacular, in a rough-hewn sort of way; the owners completed it with an antlered elk head on the wall.

Forgive the too-close crop: I just have to get used to a new version of Photoshop, in which Adobe moved a lot of stuff around. You can see that in this 1940 tax photo, that wide red door is nowhere to be found. Perhaps it became a firehouse after 1940 and before the present.

Once again, Comments are open. I’m back after a short hiatus to install a new computer: I was using one from 2013, with even older software. As Mr. Spock put it, “stone knives and bearskins.”

As always, “comment…as you see fit.”


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