Forgotten New York

5TH AVENUE DESKEY, Grand Army Plaza

On an early April Sunday, braving winds that were colder than many days in January, I was unsteadily tottering in the East 60s near Central Park for other purposes, but I couldn’t resist checking on one of the last remaining 5th Avenue Twin Deskeys, the northernmost one on the corner of East 61st Street. As I’ve said before (it’s up to you whether it’s ad nauseam) I have noted the Deskey twins’ gradual departure from the 5th Avenue scene. I last did a formal survey in 2008; but their numbers have dwindled to what is now perhaps 6 or 7. I haven’t counted, it’s depressing.

Briefly, the Deskey Twins were installed on 5th avenue between 41st and 61st Streets in early 1965, replacing 5th Avenue’s previous set of ornate Twinlamps in two separate styles, the original from 1890 and a later design from 1915. (The 1965 posts are called Deskeys because interior designer Donald Deskey, famed for his Radio City Music Hall interiors, was responsible for the totally unique design.) They are really outrageous lampposts, consisting of the usual slotted Deskey pole but with a modular fixture to which is attached two S-shaped mastarms. The modules can also accommodate stoplight stanchions, fire alarm lamps and flagpole brackets. What an amazing design! When first installed in 1965, they had a bronze finish, while workaday single mast Deskeys otherwise had a gray or silver finish as do most other NYC lamps.

New Deskeys have not been installed since the 1970s, as the Street Light Equipment Company (SLECO) went out of business; very gradually, they have been disappearing from NYC streets since as they fail they are replaced by NYC’s familiar octagonal-sided pole design that holds either s straight or cobra-neck mast.

The Deskey pole’s adaptability is on display on 5th Avenue as bronzed Deskeys are also used to mount stoplights and pedestrian control.

A side view. Clearly seen is the stoplight appendage.

The Deskey Twins’ days are numbered and all will likely be gone by 2030. I think 5th Avenue deserves a new exclusive lamp design. As of now, when a lamp on 5th needs to be replaced, the department of Transportation reaches for whatever is on top of the pile in the yard, and that’s a shame.

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