Forgotten New York


HERE’S a look at the Rosebank Staten Island Rapid Transit station with a northbound train in the early 1950s. This was part of the SIRT South Shore Branch, which diverged from the main line in the Clifton Yards and traveled south and southwest to a terminal at Wentworth Avenue in South Beach. Along with the North Shore Branch, it was eliminated in 1953 and traces of it have gradually been expunged in the decades since; there were more to be seen when I began to explore the region in the 1990s. I always mourn the passing of rapid transit lines, and NYC has seen the death of many.

What’s more, the South Shore branch had been extensively modernized with grade crossings eliminated in 1936. Those changes lasted a mere 17 years until the Baltimore and Ohio RR, which ran the branch, pulled the plug.

At the right is Tilson Place and look carefully for its intersection with Kaltenmeier Lane.

Gary Owen has many more photos of all SIRT branches, including multiple views of Rosebank.

Photo: Al Ponte’s Tme Machine (Facebook)

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