Forgotten New York


THE twin-peaked William Van Nostrand House at Pembroke Avenue and 254th Street was built in the mid-1800s; before it was in the Van Nostrand family it had been owned by Capt. Valentine Peters, who ran a general store from part of the property. When Peters owned it the house was called “Old Oaks” as it was surrounded by large oak trees. Until 1929 the house stood on Northern Boulevard where the Little Neck Theater is today, and was moved here to accommodate the new building. The theater remained open until the 1980s, when its air conditioning system failed. Today the old theater building is home to the La Grotta restaurant and other businesses. A private housing development called Van Nostrand Court faces the old house. 

Unfortunately, a little bird told me that the owner of another Northern Boulevard restaurant, Il Bacco, has purchased the property and desires to build a parking lot on the site. Since both Pembroke and 254th are narrow streets, the lot would most likely be accessible from the boulevard.

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