Forgotten New York


I recently went on a jaunt in Green-Wood Cemetery for the first time in a few years, and I’ll likely do a full page eventually; I plan another visit in full fall colors around the beginning of November. Till then, here’s a couple of internees to tide you over.

JAMES Renwick, Jr. (1818-1895) was a prolific architect who designed several of NYC and America’s most famous structures. He was the mastermind behind Grace Church on Broadway and W. 10th Street, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Ann’s Church in Brooklyn Heights, Smithsonian Institution in Washington, Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, as well as the magnificent ruin of Roosevelt Island, the Smallpox Hospital.

Renwick’s father, James Renwick Sr. 1792-1863) was Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy at Columbia College, now Columbia University. Renwick Street near the Holland Tunnel was named for Renwick Senior.

William Florence, born William Jermyn Conlin, was an actor, producer, songwriter, and playwright. A freemason, he co-founded the Ancient and Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, a fraternal organization known today as the Shriners. They are currently famed for their Shriners’ Children’s Hospitals for kids with special needs. [via wikipedia]

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