Forgotten New York


In August 2013, a modest Coney Island landmark bit the dust. The iron pedestrian bridge that had connected the West 8th Street elevated train station to the Coney Island Aquarium and boardwalk was removed, forcing pedestrians onto the tender mercies of fast and furious Surf Avenue traffic. Though the bridge boasted the same decor it had had for over 50 years (and of course I remember its davit-style lampposts, that used to hold “gumball” luminaires with incandescent bulbs) that was a sign in and of itself that maintenance had been deferred so far that the bridge was no longer safe.


There’s only a sign remaining directing people to “alternate walkways”, i.e. a Surf Avenue stoplight.


In other news, much of the colorful and informative mural on the Aquarium boardwalk side has been ripped out. This, in an era when most of Coney’s rough edges have been smoothed over. Hopefully the Aquarium has something in mind to replace the mural.



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