Forgotten New York

DELICATESSEN, Greenwich Village

I have written FNY over 16 years (as of 2015) yet, a large number of items have escaped my view over that time, such as this neon vertical sign for a long-vanished deli on West 4th and Jane Street, just off 8th Avenue. The space is now occupied by a fancy-Dan chocolatier (I’ll take Hershey’s or Riese’s peanut butter cups. I probably couldn’t tell the difference in a blind taste test). One wonders how long it’s been since the deli was there.

Also of note is the cylindrical stoplight stanchion. It’s taller and thicker than the standard issue; these are placed in locations where the huge guy-wired stoplights won’t fit. They are relatively few in number. They also serve as a handy mount for no-standing, one-way, and NYC Landmarked District street signs.



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