Forgotten New York


Excuse the presence of the chain link fence in this shot, but the only way to shoot this increasingly-rare bracketed double Deskey still hanging in there on the Grand Central Parkway just south of the Long Island Expressway was through the fence on a pedestrian overpass.

The Donald Deskey lamp, first introduced in 1958, proved especially adaptable. There is the single Deskey, used about 90% of the time, and variations on the theme such as the double Deskey with two masts that comes in a long and extra-long variation have been used, as well as the deluxe Twin version used on Manhattan’s 5th Avenue, and then there’s this iteration, a twin version used for the most part on expressways or very wide streets. Most of these have been eliminated over the years, but I have spotted one or two on Kings Highway in Brooklyn, and I also saw some in a news story about Rikers Island, which I hope I never have to see close up.

If you’re not aware, the lamp fixture without a diffuser bowl is a light-emitting diode lamp; they have just about taken over the expressways and parkways, and another version by a different manufacturer is gradually being installed all over NYC with the job projected to be complete by 2017.


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