Forgotten New York


I really wish the old man had gotten a photo of the World’s Fair 1964-1965 monorail with some actual cars in the picture, but I’m working with what I have here. I remember the Fair but I don’t remember riding the monorail; but I was 7 and 8 years old during the Fair. This photo shows it above the Long Island Expressway, which was only a few years old itself in 1964.

Here’s some info from NYWF64, the comprehensive World’s Fair site…

On the World’s Fair monorail, built by American Machine & Foundry Company, trains ride below the track, suspended from overhead power units with rubber tires. The route is a loop 4,000 feet long, with three trains traveling in one direction while four others travel in the opposite direction on a parallel track. The loading platform, reached by escalator, is halfway up a terminal building that has an arched base and an inverted arch for a roof. The eight-minute monorail ride provides a spectacular view of the Fair and offers photographers many unusual angel shots from the panoramic windows.
* Admission: 80 cents.
* Hours: 9 a.m. to 2 a.m.
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