HERE’S a look at the 168th Street elevated train platform in Jamaica sometime in the late 1960s or early 1970s. We are probably looking at a fan trip as there are two very different examples of rolling stock in the photo. Elevated trains operated on the Jamaica el until 1977, at which time service was cut back to Queens Boulevard and later the 121st Street stop; the MTA may have decided that the parallel F train running on Hillside Avenue provided sufficient service. What cars are they? Comments are open.
In the late 1960s, there was a plan to extend subway service to southeast Queens. Only a couple of stations in this extension opened, as a ramp was constructed east from 121st Street into a tunnel that terminated at Parsons-Archer. At the same time, E service also entered a new tunnel to Parsons-Archer, with teh two lines meeting at a two-level station. That service began in December 1989, a good 12 years after the east end of the el closed. Of course, these days, 12 years to build three stations is considered fairly speedy.
I never had cause to take the J train all the way to Jamaica with any frequency until I began work on Forgotten NY, so I only rode the line once, in 1968, with my parents on a foray to the Gertz department store where my father found a wall unit for his stereo equipment that he retained until his death in 2003. Thus, I don’t recall the stops at all. Note the wood plank platform as well as the “hooded” incandescent lamp stanchions.
In the rear, note the ad for Sachs New York, otherwise known as Sachs Quality Furniture. The business shouldn’t be confused with the still-existing Saks Fifth Avenue, as Sachs sold furniture exclusively. The chain was founded by Israel Sachs in 1896 in Harlem. The chain expanded to several stores around town, but went bankrupt in 1981, closing its remaining 11 locations, including the one in Jamaica.
Surprisingly the ad is still visible albeit in a much-faded condition. Without getting down to Jamaica to get a photo the best I can do is show you this view from 168th Street south of Jamaica Avenue.
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