Forgotten New York


FLETCHER’S Castoria ads have been a staple in the Forgotten New York ancient painted ads category from the very beginning, back in 1999. They can be seen frequently in photographs of NYC from the early 20th Century and were absolutely ubiquitous. An extraordinarily high grade of paint must have been used to produce them as many have stood up to full sunshine for over a century.

Fletcher’s Castoria, marketed as a gentle stomach remedy for kids, has been sold since 1871 when Charles Henry Fletcher purchased the rights to a formula developed by Dr. Samuel Pitcher as a cathartic. It has been marketed ever since then, though in recent years the “Castoria,” (for castor oil) has been dropped and it’s now called Fletcher’s Laxative for Kids, though adults can also use it.

Castoria was marketed extensively through much of the 20th Century, with large painted ads appearing on sides of buildings in major cities. The paint used proved quite resistant to sun bleaching; only during the last 20 years have they started to fade considerably. 

Recently, Lamppost King Bob Mulero snapped an extraordinarily preserved set of Castoria ads at 478 Jersey Street between Corson and Stanley Avenues in New Brighton, Staten Island. The ad features Charles H. Fletcher’s distinctive signature script along with the frequent “Children Cry For…” slogan. You can also see an ad for “S. COLLER PRESCRIPTIONS” which must have been a drugstore with a shelf full of Castoria.

This has been an empty lot for many years; however, some tall ailanthus trees in the lot were cut down, making the ad easier to spot. It’s best accessed in winter: you can see that vines obscure some of it in spring and summer.

A panel next to the main ad features a slogan that is relatively rare on Castoria ads around town: “The kind you have always bought.”

The ad can be seen prominently on this 1940 tax photo. The painted ad is at least 20 years old here, but has held up remarkably well. Apparently, the adjacent lot has been empty for a long time.

More Castoria

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