
by Kevin Walsh


Gert August 31, 2015 - 3:54 pm

Dad is 94 yrs old
He grew up in sheepshead bay brooklyn
I did too
He is still alive and well and looking for old pictures of sheepshead bay
Restaurants, etc
We all lived at 25 lincoln terrace sheepshead bay

Mary April 2, 2019 - 2:45 pm

Hi Gert, My father lived at 32 Lincoln Terrace, he has passed at 89. His family lived at 28 Lincoln Terrace. I do have some old photos, when did your dad live there?

Anonymous June 17, 2024 - 12:28 pm

Hi Mary
I don’t know how I came across this….again……but since I am not too computer savvy….I never saw your reply at the time.
Sorry…….. It was my grandparents home but we all lived there around 1950’s. My grandparents were John and Irene Clifford and my Dad’s
name is Russell Clifford. I was just reminiscing as someone sent me a recent picture of 25 Lincoln Terrace in real time!
Doesn’t even have the slightest resemblance of the home I lived in. What joy we always had strolling down the alley way. I have beautiful memories of 25 Lincoln Terrace. I will always cherish the memories. My Dad has this since passed away.


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