I’ve been doing a very gradual survey of Bedford Avenue over the years in FNY, and have already completed two installments of the series, from Sheepshead Bay all the way to Atlantic Avenue. It’s hard to believe it but I actually completed photography for the rest of the series as of summer 2009, but have never got around to using the pictures — FNY has a large backlog of pictures if I am ever laid up for a long time and can’t shoot anymore.
Bedford is Brooklyn’s longest avenue, edging out Flatbush by several hundred meters.
I picked this one out because on a recent walk through Williamsburg I noticed that the boarded-up building in the background here at the NW corner of Bedford and North 7th (the heart of town) has been torn down and is now an uncharacteristically empty area at a busy Brooklyn crossroads. I imagine it will soon be filled by a glass tower (rich people storage) or mixed-use building with a bank in it.
It is soon to become a Dunkin’ Donuts
Northside Pharmacy, not the boarded-up building, will soon be a Dunkin’ Donuts. The Salvation Army is also gone.
Do you plan on doing all of Bedford Avenue from beginning to end or just portions of it?