by Kevin Walsh

I’ll have more on this park at a future date, and while I’ll continue to decry the “giant sucking sound” taking all the jobs away from the waterfront as NYC has lost its port to other states and the continued leisurization where there were once thousands of working men and women…

…I like the Midtown view from Hunters Point South Waterfront Park, opened in summer 2013. Let’s just hope another Sandy doesn’t come and rip up the evergreen artificial turf.



Wednesday Links | Brownstoner Queens September 18, 2013 - 7:32 am

[…] [TRD] Eyes on the Street: Pedestrian Islands on College Point Boulevard in Flushing [Streetsblog] Hunters Point South Waterfront Park [Forgotten NY] < Previous PostClosing Bell: Long Island City Restaurant Week Is Happening […]

Bill Fleming September 18, 2013 - 7:51 am

Former Newspoint Site for the Daily News

Joe Moretti September 18, 2013 - 8:17 am

Although some of development by the water is nice, I am with you, every time I look at places like this I think of all the jobs that were lost and the money that was brought into a community and helped to anchor the middle class.

The Cheese September 18, 2013 - 4:38 pm

That view reminds me of the beginning of “Barney Miller”

ron s September 19, 2013 - 6:30 pm

It is symbolic of the puzzling situation in the city-we don’t manufacture anything, people work in jobs that cannot be explained in a rational way, we have endless need for luxury housing, artisan food and upscale bars and cafes. Who are the people who can have nebulous jobs, afford luxury housing and have enough left over to hang out in an artsy bar? I understood LIC better when it was a working class and somewhat gritty manufacturing district. It is better now in some ways (Gantry Park etc.) but worse in others. The whole city has a feel of a house of cards awaitng a slight breeze.

roger_the_shrubber September 21, 2013 - 10:47 pm

Well stated.

Danny S. September 20, 2013 - 8:06 am

Artificial turf? That kinda makes it an artificial park. They couldn’t plant real grass?


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