YOU can’t tell by the Forgotten New York website design in which red and white dominate, but in actuality, black and yellow is my favorite color combination even though I can’t stand the Pittsburgh Penguins and can take or leave the Pirates and Steelers. Even my bathroom sports its original 1941 black and yellow tile design, which I can’t bear to update.
I found this bike repair shop awning sign at 35th Avenue and 41st Street rather European in appearance. I have always been mystified with the pennyfarthing boneshaker bike design with the ginormous front wheel, so popular over a century ago.
The sign also reminded me of the old Monty Python sketch. In a world in which everyone is Superman, a bicycle repairman is a superhero.

it’s a trend! Nearby was parked this food truck, in a black and yellow paint scheme. This truck sells Filipino delicacies; “kabayan” means “countryman” in Tagalog.
As always, “comment…as you see fit.” I earn a small payment when you click on any ad on the site.
If you’ve got 80-year old tile and the grout is good, definitely keep it!
Renovation is often overrated.
Thank you for the laugh Kevin. First thing I thought of was Python’s skit, and you delivered!
I’m sure they are good with a spanner in that place.