I’VE always been drawn to photograph obscure alleys and short streets, and Rosebank, Staten Island has more than its share. Kaltenmeier Lane runs for a block between Tilson Place and Anderson Street north of St. Mary’s Avenue, and the Department of Transportation hasn’t provided it with a sidewalk on either side or even any street lighting. It’s tied as the longest street name in Rosebank with Shaughnessy Lane (of which it one formed a continuous road, Dunn’s Lane (as shown on this 1917 map; download it so you can zoom for a batter look).
As it happens we know who it was named for: Rosebanker Reinhard E. Kaltenmeier (1876-1933), a gold leaf maker, insurance salesman and saloonkeeper who entered politics and was elected a local alderman (today’s city councilman) five times, after which he became sheriff of Richmond County. Soon after his death, Rosebank Playground at Virginia Avenue and Anderson Street, was renamed for him, and I presume, a piece of the old Dunn’s Lane became Kaltenmeier Lane. (Today, a street sign with his name would simply be affixed to a streetlamp under an already existing street. Outright renamings are now relatively rare.)
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Gold leaf maker, insurance salesman, saloon keeper, and sheriff. Career changing isn’t a new concept!
Always got a chuckle driving down this street. Looks like rural Pennsylvania or a small town upstate. Hard to believe it’s less than 10 miles from Wall Street.