YELLOW brick roads are hard to find in New York City, as brick paved roads have been relentlessly asphalted the past few decades. To find one, it helps if the street in question is semiprivate. Probably the best-known street paved with yellow, or yellowish, brick is the historic block of Stockholm Street between Woodward and Onderdonk Avenue, and there’s a brief stretch of Foothill Avenue in Jamaica Estates.
And then there’s Dorothea Place, a T-shaped dead end alley on Marion Avenue north of East Fordham Road on a steep hill. Its few residents apparently like the yellow brick pavement just fine, as it hasn’t been touched in decades. The alley takes its name from the original owner of a long-ago estate, Hugh Camp, whose wife’s middle name was Elizabeth Dorothea McKesson.
Dorothea Place is just one of a number of obscure alleyways to be found in Fordham; two others are Poe Place and Coles Lane. Famed author and poet Edgar Allan Poe was a Bronx resident in the 1840s.
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1 comment
Looks like a nice place for Dorothea to take Toto for a walk.