I am skipping the Sunday page this week and will probably not resume for a couple of days as I have had a severe sciatica attack that put me in the ER on Saturday (Nov. 11). Things are somewhat improved today, but sitting up straight is still problematic as is standing and walking. Things have been tough in 2023 but as Elton put it, I’m still standing, though I have to lay down much of the time at present.
Update: 11/15: I was set to begin posting again today, but I’m miserable with a cold and a dripping nose, will see about 11/16. Sciatica mainly gone
Update, 11/17: Back in business, though I still have the cold and occasional pain, so there may not be a post every day for a few more days.
Wasn’t sure what sciatica is, but found out that
2 of every 5 Americans suffers with this at some point.
Here’s hoping you’re one of the lucky ones who improve quickly with treatment.
Take care of yourself, and heal fast!
With best wishes for your speedy recovery,
Renée in Tucson
(former Staten Islander)
Feel better. Thank you for all that you share with us!
I have the same recurring ailment (and it isn’t fun). Rest up. The city will still be here when you’re functioning again (unless Artificial Intelligence get all of us first!!!).
Feel better soon; have had similar issues.
I get these attacks from time to time, but never puts me completely out of action. Get well soon.
Feel better. Take time to recover. You will be missed.
Hi, Kevin! Also been a recurring victim of sciatica. I’ve found sleeping with wedge pillows for my upper and lower body (sleeping on my back, v-shape) allows me to sleep well with active sciatica. Been lucky so far, up till now it goes away after some time (sometimes a matter of days, sometimes up to 4 weeks) without any medical interventions. Chiropractic sometimes helps. For the really bad days, ensure there’s a clear path to the bottle of Advil in the medicine cabinet. Wishing you a speedy recovery, New York awaits your return!
It is better today, some remaining pain and weakness but not like it was. Since it recurs, I intend to see a spine guy/orthopedist in the new year.
Feel better soon!
Sorry to hear about your pain, Kevin– get well soon! Sadly, it’s one of those “Wait and see if it self-resolves” conditions, and you can’t do much other than take pain relievers and try to maintain some level of (painful?) activity so you won’t get hit with other opportunistic stuff while you’re on a sickbed.
Unfortunately, we have to accept limitations and understand that it is what it is.
Get well. We’ll take the time and read some the the incredible archives..
When you get out you can tell us about hospital cuisine
…& the “font” that the hospital signage uses.
“I intend to see a spine guy/orthopedist in the new year.”
Get your ass to a specialist NOW!
I’m improving. I’m out of paid time off for 2023, I can wait
Then schedule it for January 2024.
I know what you are dealing with and you have my heartfelt sympathy. I hope that you have a full and lasting recovery.
There were days when I could not get out of bed. Strangely my sciatica problem went away due to a different problem with my spine. So you win some and you lose some.
Get well ‘bro!
[I’m a retired internist]. There are over 31,000 papers in the recent medical literature on use of the non-prescription medication N-ACETYLCYSTEINE in treating severe neuropathic pain:
https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=n-acetylcysteine+pain&oq=n NAC is also a very powerful anti-inflammatory zapping inflammatory cytokines as well as having a positive effect in the gut biome.
Gut dysbiosis has recently been linked with lower back pain: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00586-022-07152-8?fbclid=IwAR11GmPiwL1iW1IXdmXL4hrnvn6ikihbr5MdZmsGhp-yEYfJM14imCrz_lo
Just seeing this now…sciatica is a bitch. Mine put me out of commission for a while but eventually it did resolve on its own, with some help from physical therapy. Hope by now you are fully recovered!