by Kevin Walsh

GENOVESE was formerly a big name in the pharmacy world, operating over 100 drugstores in the NY metropolitan area. The company was founded by Joseph Genovese in Astoria in 1924, and later expanded. by his sons Joseph Jr. and Leonard. Joseph Jr. predeceased his father by three years in 1975. After several years in Long Island, the chain finally opened a Manhattan location, in 1993, the same year it opened its 100th store. While Genovese was acquired by JC Penney, which operated drugstores under the Eckerd name, in 1998, it continued to operate some locations under the Genovese name until 2003. Finally, in 2006, Eckered was acquired by Rite Aid, which itself filed for bankruptcy in 2023, but has survived.

This impressive apartment building with two arched doorways on Steinway Street between 23rd Avenue and Ditmars Boulevard boasts a flagpole and several storefronts. “Genovese Bros., Inc. is emblazoned at the roofline. I am unsure if this building is where the company was founded, or if a Genovese drugstore was formerly in one of the storefonts.

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