#1 Peck Slip in the South Street Seaport area has been condemned for a couple of years to make way for the new PS 343, but it appears this is the year it goes. The building is pretty plain architecturally, but there’s this magnifiecent Machine Age lettering above the entrance, that answers the question: how do you write the alphabet using (mostly) right angles?
I lived around the corner from this place for ten years, on Pearl Street.
I loved living in this cobblestone neighborhood.
After 9/11 and after the Fulton Fish Market went to the Bronx, real estate values shot up fast as bars like Bin 220 and the Kiwi place inhabited the newly gentrified market. Now there’s no stopping it,!
Well, Sandy stopped it, half that neighborhood is still boarded up. I love how when nobody lived down there, they had a post office. After all the yuppies moved down there and it became a bustling neighborhood, they closed the post office! lol
They moved the post office to 114 John St – happened well before Sandy.