For quite awhile, I was puzzled by the inscription on the cornerstone of the handsome brick building at Broadway and 44th Street, “L.I.C. T.V. 1875.” Television? 1875? Some research revealed it has nothing to do with television: it is the Long Island City Turn Verein, or LIC Gymnastic Association, a sort of precursor to today’s Jack LaLanne (who was still tugging boats with his teeth in his 90s) or Lucille Roberts. From the Long Island Turners website:
On June 8, 1875 eight individuals met and organized the Long Island City Turn Verein at Koch’s Hall, N.E. Corner of Broadway and 9th Avenue [today’s 38th St] in Long Island City, N.Y. for the sole purpose of introducing and furthering German Turnerism (which embraces the philosophy of building a “Sound Mind in a Sound Body” fostered by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn in Germany). The society’s purpose was to educate its membership physically and mentally through gymnastic exercises and by encouraging use of the German language.

The building was begun in 1927 and completed the following year; the date the club was organized is already inscribed.

A clue to the building’s former purpose can be seen on a side door, with the chiseled word “gymnasium.” The society is now based in Nassau County, hence the name Long Island Turners.
Presently the building is occupied by the Chian Federation, an organization representing approximately 20,000 Chiotes (Greeks from the Aegean island of Chios) who live and work in the New York area. Nationwide, approximately 50,000 Chiotes are residents and citizens of the United States.
Check out the ForgottenBook, take a look at the gift shop, and as always, “comment…as you see fit.”
It’s hard to figure out what’s up with the Long Island Turners. Except for a reference to their bowling league standings for the 2019-2020 season, their web site is otherwise hopelessly out of date. Their address of 80-28 222nd Street in Queens Village is, according to Google Street View, an ordinary house with no commercial signage at all.
I lived two doors away on 44th Street until 1981 and we knew this building as Turn Hall. It later became a gathering place for dances, etc. I Spent many days playing ball (with a bright pink Spaulding) against its brick walls and white angled ledges while wainting for Mr Softee.
“Bright pink ball”? “Mr. Softee”? Not to worry: Nothing a little Viagra can’t cure. But regarding the latter, the name has already been banned as it’s deemed offensive to the E.D. community. They’ve had enough, & finally “stood up”, if you will.
I grew up immediately around the corner on 45th and 34th avenue. in the 60s and 70s. I think we had dinner there or at least my relatives had drinks there
Ancient Greeks refereed to schools of higher learning as gymnasiums.
In Germany, the upper level of secondary education is also called Gymnasium. A [Sport] Gymnasium is called “Turnhalle”.