JUMPING into my H.G. Wells time machine once again, I set the controls for Riverdale, way up in the Bronx, and the year 1920, where, under the 16-year-old Broadway elevated train, I found this billboard ad for Wesson cooking oil. The brand has been around a long time, as David Wesson, the scientist who developed a process for deodorizing cottonseed oil in 1899, making it ideal for frying as it would not fill up the kitchen with malodorous fumes that animal fats had done prior to that.
The brand is still around and recently had a design overhaul, with new font treatment on its label. Though it’s not heavily promoted on TV anymore, if you’re a certain age you remember Florence “Carol Brady” Henderson’s “Wessonality” commercials. Henderson, a singer by trade, was well-known in musicals for over 20 years before her iconic “Brady Bunch” turn.
Today, a bar called The Punch Bowl occupies the NE corner of Broadway and East West 238th, though the elevated exit / entrance staircase is still there.
As always, “comment…as you see fit.” I earn a small payment when you click on any ad on the site.
Photo: Al Ponte’s Time Machine
In 1969, when “Brady Bunch” started, I was probably unaware of Florence Henderson’s musical roots.
News you can(‘t) use: Wesson’s corporate owner, Richardson International from Canada, is the world’s largest miller of oats.
That there could easily be the scene from a 40s film noir movie
Yeah,the killer uses the noise of a passing train to drown out the
blast of his gun
Some photos look better in black and white
This article is wrong. There was a German Beer Hall at this location in 1915. Check out this link to the NYPL archives.
The photo has a date written at the bottom left, Thursday Aug. 19th 1910.
No it’s a 2, 1920.
Yep, you’re right. Upon closer inspection I see the 1920.
Amazing how undeveloped the Bronx was then.
The stained glass and parts of the facade hang over the bar in what is now the Punch Bowl-
I’m sure there are other fans of Kevin’s work that, like me, go and compare the old photos on the page to a current day view on Google Earth. Surprisingly, I see that the elevated structure still exists. But that’s not why I’m
posting- If you approach the el at street level traveling west on W238th, it appears to be a beautiful sunny day. But then, as soon as you begin to pass under it, boom!, there’s snow on the ground and it’s gray and gloomy! ‘Just thought that was interesting. Signing off… 😉
Growing up in good old Brookalino, Wesson oil was a staple in our home.
Clearly there’s a building there in the 1915 photo, so you both can’t be correct. I’m thinking the picture posted by Kevin is indeed from 1910 as there is literally nothing nearby except the billboards, which certainly would not have been the case in 1920. The IRT elevated was erected around 1908 and the area would have been pretty built-up a dozen years later. In 1910 it was still somewhat rural as in Kevin’s original picture. I think the “2” in 1920 is just a very wonky “1” that was scratched on to the negative. Just my two-cents.
The 1914 Sanborn Map Co. Atlas 51.1 Vol. 13, Plate 39 shows that there was a tin-clad frame building w/stone basement, store on the ground floor with a dwelling
on the second floor located on the NE corner of Broadway & West 238th Street. The entire area was entirely undeveloped with the exception of the West Side Tennis
Club on W. 239th St.
I assume that except for that elevated subway line, nothing else from that picture is still there today.
The Punch bowls been there at 238 st. before the sign.
You need to check your history, bub. The station opened in 1908, which means it would have been there 12 years, not 16.
Yeah you got me, 1908 not 1904, congrats