HERE’S a look at the Rosebank Staten Island Rapid Transit station with a northbound train in the early 1950s. This was part of the SIRT South Shore Branch, which diverged…
If you know where to look, there are a number of abandoned stations, unusual stations, as well as intact stations that have been closed for quite awhile if you are…
I haven’t been on the subways and trains as often as I was prior to 2020. My fascination hasn’t ended, but at first I stayed away while the Pandemic was…
BEACH 90th Street is a station on the A train in the Rockaways, the first on the line after it crosses Jamaica Bay en route to Rockaway Park at Beach…
I haven’t written about the Hunters Point Avenue station for about a decade, but it’s one of my favorites because it’s one of a select few stations in the NYC…
So there I was, idling on a wicker seat on a 1910s BMT B-Type “Standard” subway car making its way down the Q line from 96th Street to Coney Island…
I had a rare foray on the #6 line running south on Lafayette Street recently and got out at Spring Street to see how one of my favorite stations is…
I’ve said repeatedly to watch carefully when walking under elevated trains. Not for falling debris (not that that can’t happen) but for outmoded or unusual signage or lamp fixtures, because…
WHEN Interborough Rapid Transit (IRT) constructed the original NYC subway from City Hall to 145th Street and Broadway in 1904, creating the Original 28 Stations, some of the stations have…
As I have lamented in Forgotten New York before, New York City is much better at eliminating transit lines than building them; during my lifetime, elevateds such as Third Avenue…
YOU cannot accuse the MTA of ignoring Canal Street. In previous eras, the IRT, BMT and IND have all constructed major stations at the east-west Manhattan route that traces the…
In 2019, FNY ran a piece about the Presidents of the United States whose names are represented in street names … whether the streets were named for former presidents or…