While furtively darting around Midtown with a camera recently, trying to not be noticed (the local authorities think of single, middle-aged men with cameras the way gardeners regard slugs) I…
Grand Central Terminal
On the first three Saturdays in August the Department of Transportation shuts down Lafayette Street, 4th Avenue, Park Avenue South, Park Avenue and part of West 72nd Street in the Summer Streets…
IT’S ALWAYS FUN when it’s time to do a lamppost page in Forgotten NY, because these vaguely anthropomorphic untility poles are what got me started with this Forgotten NY stuff…
The little olive-colored stoplight, with its serrated exterior and the fluted base, once was to NYC streets what the passenger pigeon was to the skies. They weren’t on every corner…traffic…
Street Lamps
FAMOUS CROOKS OF YORE. The evolution of NYC’s most popular pre-1950 lamppost.
by Kevin WalshAs many Bishops Crooks lampposts that are still standing…there are legions of these old warriors that are no more. As late as the early to mid 1980s, the streets of…
NYC stoplight design has pretty much been stuck in neutral since the 1960s, when cylindrical posts holding three-light stoplights as well as WALK/DONT WALK signs first appeared on street corners,…