The Bronx’s Longwood and Hunts Point, heavily residential and, toward the East River, industrial, are remnants of country estates: Longwood Park was an 1870s estate owned by Samuel B. White, and Hunts Point was formerly a collection of country estates owned by the Casanovas, Barrettos, Spoffords, Failes, and other wealthy families, many of whose names now grace street signs.
In the late 19th Century Longwood and the surrounding area was subdivided into residential lots. A group of now-landmarked brownstone buildings was developed by Warren C. Dickerson for landowner George Johnson between 1897 and 1901 consisting of parts of Beck, Kelly and Dawson Streets and Hewitt Place between East 156th Street and Longwood Avenue. Designated a New York City Landmark District, its buildings are marked by their eclectic peaks and roof embellishments.
The region’s odd street layout… streets sort of undulate, twist and turn…was, in part, defined by the now-underground Sacrahong Brook, whose route is now nearly exactly copied by Intervale Avenue.
We’ll begin at the crossroads of Southern Boulevard, Hunts Point Avenue and East 163rd Street, a.k.a. Monsignor Raul Del Valle Square. Del Valle (1926-1998) fled Fidel Castro’s Cuba in 1961, arriving in the Bronx, and rehabilitated and revitalized local parishes St. Anselm and St. Athanasius. he became a beloved local activist, setting up homeless shelters and food stations. Upon learning he had cancer, he wished to see his native land once again; John Cardinal O’Connor interceded with Castro, and the prelate returned to Cuba before returning home, where he died a few months later.
The IRT #6 line has an unusual concrete and brick entrance here.
There’s an unusual building at the NW corner of Southern Blvd. and East 163rd Street that looks like it could have been an auto showroom. Zooming in on the plaque at the top, it shows and eagle and a rising sun. What could this have been?
Theatre Row
Southern Boulevard was a theatre row of sorts in the Longwood area through much of the 20th Century, wih not one…not two…but three palaces all vying for the moviegoers’ dollars…
Loew’s Spooner, 961 Southern, opened independently by the Spooner Stock Company owned by actress Cecil Spooner in 1910 but was soon scooped up by Loew’s. It hung in there until the 1970s. It showed second-run flicks or films ignored by the nearby Boulevard Theater. As you can see it is presently a Duane Reade drugstore.
Boulevard Theatre, 1032 Southern, was designed by the great theatre designer Thomas W. Lamb and opened in 1913 for vaudeville and live acts with films becoming prominent in 1917. Like the Spooner it was opened independently, by the Picker family, and was taken over by Loew.
“When [Jan] Murray was a boy, his mother would take him to burlesque shows and to the 25-cent vaudeville performances at Loew’s Boulevard Theater. After she became ill and could not leave the house, he would memorize the acts and perform them at her bedside.” New York Times via cinematreasures
The Boulevard showed Spanish-language films into the 1980s, and as you can see today it is a furniture store.
The little Art Theatre (550-600 seats) at 1077 Southern was perhaps the most recognizable along the row, since its evocative sculptures (the lady above seems to be in some distress) could easily be glimpsed from the passing IRT elevated, as they are today. It is presently a Pentecostal church, with a tattoo parlor on its left and a nails place on its right.
Flocks of NYC streets are named for the signers of the Declaration of Independence, NYC mayors, Trinity Church vestrymen, classical composers, even astronauts. But printers? Why not?
Aldus Street runs through the former estate of Colonel Robert Hoe, inventor of the rotary press. When the city developed the area and streets were cut through, threee were named Hoe Avenue (which is still there) Guttenberg Street, and Aldus Street, for Italian pressman Aldus Manutius (1449-1515) who established one of Italy’s finest printing presses in Venice in 1493. It is thought he invented the slanted style we call italic type.
Aldus is the name of a former software company that made, you may recall, an early giant in the desktop printing biz, Aldus Pagemaker. It was purchased by Adobe, which updated it through 2001; Adobe has pretty much succeeded it with the more complex DreamWeaver.
Southern Blvd. gains an elevated when the IRT #2 (White Plains Road line) & 5 (Dyre Avenue line) curves off Westchester Avenue at Gladstone Square. The latter enjoys about 5 blocks of sun before the #6 Pelham Bay Line rises from underground and again shrouds it. One of the pillars conceals a now-rare “crescent moon” incandescent luminaire.
Beaux-arts clock, SE corner Westchester Avenue and Southern Blvd.
West Farms Road runs northeast from the junction of the two roads.
West Farms Road is one of those wild card roads that has survived despite the grid-dization of the rest of the area. Sometimes old roads get to keep names that hark back to the original use of the area through which they run. The road travels from here in a zigzag route along the Sheridan Expressway (and originally ran along the Bronx River) north to Boston Road at East Tremont Avenue. It overlays an Indian trail and was known to travelers in the colonial era as the Lower road, the Back Road and later, the Queen’s Road. In 1802 it was called West Farms Turnpike.
The road led to the village of West Farms, so called because it was the westernmost of a larger district called Ten Farms. West Farms was a major (Bronx River) port from the pre-Civil War era to the 1930s.
San Juan Health Center, at West Farms Road and Southern Blvd. has some unusual bas relief art.
Tribute at Southern Blvd. and East 167th Street to local figures Mad Mark and Big Pun. Christopher Lee Rios (1971-2000) was the first Latin rap star to gain mass popularity; his Capital Punishment CD hit Billboard’s top five in 1996, and the posthumous Yeeah Baby went to #3 in 2000.
Simpson Street el station, Westchester Avenue. Most of the stops along the White Plains/Dyre Avenue line (#2 and #5) were rehabbed nicely in the early 2000s, including spruce-ups to the chalet-type stations and new platform lamps that echo back to old-fashioned styles. The elevator (left) is an incongruous contrast, but not every el station in the system has one.
St. Athanasius Church, Tiffany and Fox Streets. Father Louis Gigante, who arrived at the church in 1962, was and is a charismatic figure in this community:
…the young assistant pastor Father Gigante focused first on the local teenagers. he got his South Bronx parish involved in the church’s Summer in the City program, offering kids an alternative to hanging around and getting into trouble. There were sports and social events for boys and girls, presented with that special brio of Father G: “G brought a great deal of love to that area, no doubt about it,” remembers one young man. Moving to take advantage of the fledgling antipoverty programs, Gigante set up the Simpson Street Development Association. Like all other storefront operations popping up in the slums, this served up a potpourri of social services… Jill Jonnes, South Bronx Rising, Fordham U. Press 2002
In an Angels with Dirty Faces scenario in which two friends go vastly different ways, three of Fr. Gigante’s brothers were involved in organized crime. Vincent “The Chin” Gigante (1928-2005), a crime boss in the Genovese Family, feigned mental illness for nearly 30 years to avoid prosecution. He was convicted in 1997 and died in prison.
Simpson Street. Many of the houses in the area are new, replacements for the tenements torched by vandals and arsonists in the late 1970s and 1980s.
Fox and Simpson Streets. The area’s odd street layout produces many triangle-shaped plots, which early 20th Century architects eagerly filled with distinctive apartment houses.
PS 39, Longwood Avenue between Kelly and Beck Streets. The Banana Kelly organization, named for the shape of the street, was a grass roots organization originating in 1977:
…thirty residents gathered to stop the demolition of their homes along Kelly Street, a crescent shaped block in the heart of the Longwood/Hunts Point neighborhood of the South Bronx. Without any support or even tools, money or title to the property, they succeeded in rehabilitating the buildings and in creating 21 units of high-quality affordable housing, These original activists formed Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association, Inc. to continue the work that they had started.
Banana Kelly’s achievements to date include raising or leveraging over $100 million of investment in Longwood/Hunts Points; rehabilitating 2,000 units of affordable housing; conducting ongoing management and ownership of 1,000 units of housing in 47 buildings; weatherizing over 8,000 units of housing; providing 1,500 families per year with service referral and housing advocacy; establishing a program of assistance to small businesses; delivering education as well as construction training and building maintenance programs to over 750 youth; developing the first urban dormitory for homeless high school students; and attracting the first new health care clinic in the community in 22 years. []
A pair of the landmarked Dickerson-designed houses on Beck Street. Of the landmarked houses on Beck, Kelly and Dawson Streets, these are my least favories since they are not quite as well-maintained as on the other two streets.
The Dickerson houses are cleverly presented and arranged, alternating between twin-peaked and mansarded roofs.
A visit with Mr. White
Samuel, B. White, the original owner of Longwood Park, the area from which he neighborhood sprung, owned a country house at East 156th and Beck Street, built about 1850 by Charles Denison. The house was built before any of the meandering streets of Longwood were cut through, so it was all askew to the grid and faced it catercorner.
Charles Denison … was a representative from Pennsylvania, a Democrat elected to the Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth, and Fortieth Congresses and served from 1863 until his death in 1867. That gave him 17 years to live in the mansion, which he built in 1850. After that, his son-in-law Samuel White moved in. [Lost City]
When your webmaster visited in January 2005 the abandoned mansion was still in apparently in salvageable shape, with some detail remaining around the entrance columns. According to the AIA Guide to New York the old building had had a number of uses, including a stint as the Martinique Club.
Returning in April 2007, I saw that some changes had been made.
Essentially only two sides of the exterior wall of the mansion remained. Is this the end of the Samuel B. White mansion? Appears so. I’ve seen other interiors gutted while exteriors were retained but this looks like the end of the line.
Not so fast!
Friends in the City Inc. and the Lantern Group, both Manhattan-based nonprofit developers of affordable housing, are teaming up to restore the Denison-White residence, turn it into a community center and build 95 apartments — 93 of them categorized as affordable.
The planned $28 million renovation and reuse of the property, which served as a real estate office, social club and Police Athletic League center at various points in its history, has been enough to pique the interest of neighbors and affordable-housing advocates in this blue-collar neighborhood.
But the development, to be called Cedars, is perhaps most notable for its focus on a demographic increasingly known as the “grandfamily”: grandparents (or other older relatives) raising grandchildren. A Forlorn Neighborhood Revitalized, David Scharfenberg, NYTimes, October 8, 2006
So here we are in 2012, with the Cedars development completed, and the front end and sides of the White mansion still in place. The White mansion has been renamed Fox Hall.
The Greek revival-style building, currently called Fox Hall, was originally built in the 1850s and was the Samuel B. White Mansion that stood in the middle of a 70-acre estate called Longwood Park. By 1903, the mansion had been turned into a social club, complete with billiards and bowling. Most recently it was the patrolman Edward P. Lynch Police Athletic League Center before it was left abandoned and fell into disrepair. Through state, city and tax credit funding the building façade has been restored to its 1850s façade to meet all requirements of the Landmarks Preservation Commission. The windows are mahogany, original window openings discovered and restored, the cornice repaired or replicated, the entry portico reconstructed, and the façade is true stucco. A central stair wrapping a free-standing brick wall built of the reclaimed brick reinforces the centrality of this building. Urban Architectural Initiatives
Prospect Family Inn, a homeless shelter at at East 156 and Kelly Streets, was Prospect Hospital, a small 175-bed facility institution that traced its beginnings to 1919. In a controversial move its board of directors abruptly closed it in March 1985, a time of rampant hospital closings around town.
The Inn also home to services attempting to prevent child abuse.
A look at a third block of Dickerson-designed houses on Dawson Street. When much of the South Bronx burned between 1977-1984 the house proud residents of Longwood kept their amazing buildings intact.
Anything can happen® when Forgottening; when your webmaster reached Dawson Street and Longwood Avenue I came upon some basketball courts and the back of an apartment building facing Hewitt Place.
There were some…objects attached to one of the blank walls.
I was immediately reminded of Parkchester, which has rather playful terra cotta sculptures high on the sides of the buildings in the complex (one of these days your webmaster intends to do a thorough survey of the Parkchester sculptures, listing and categorizing them all) but these four are much more playful and evocative than the ones at Parkchester, which have a precious quality; these are, to use a word I despise but can’t think of another, sassy.
This installation is Life on Dawson Street, by Bronx artists John Ahearn & Rigoberto Torres, who have two other groups of sculptures in the same area:Homage to the People of the Bronx: Double Dutch at Kelly Street at Intervale Avenue and Kelly Street and We Are A Family at Intervale and Fox Street.
The artwork dates to the 1981-1982 period.
The Romanesque, onion domed United Church on Hewitt Place is impressive indeed when viewed from Macy Place. This was originally a synagogue completed in 1906–despite the onion domes, which are generally found on Russian or Eastern European churches.
The intersection of Prospect Avenue and Avenue St. John presented yet another opportunity to construct a unique “triangle” or “flatiron” building. A block away at St. John and Kelly Street is the Demera/Santiago Garden, named for Eugene “Fat Fred” Demera and Osvaldo Santiago. the two were friends of Al Quinones, the founder of the organization 52 People for Progress, a non-profit park and garden volunteer organization.
The avenue was named for George St. John, a close friend of the Morris family in the 1850s. It’s the only street in he Bronx in which “Avenue” comes first.
Engine Company 73, 655 Prospect at East 152nd Street, dates to 1900. Check the Beaux Arts detail.
St. Mary’s Park in Mott Haven is located in roughly 35 acres between St. Ann’s Avenue, St. Mary’s Street, Jackson Avenue and East 149th Street. It was the locale of Jonas Bronck’s farm; Bronck was the 1600s Swedish settler for whom the borough and the river that runs through it take their name. The land was later held by Gouverneur Morris and Janes and Kirtland Iron Works, which helped create the massive Capitol Dome in Washington, DC. The park was home to The Bronx’ first playground in 1914. It takes its name from a long-demolished church in the area. The park is home to a number of glacial rock outcroppings.
An abandoned NY Central Railroad spur runs in a tunnel underneath the park, running from the main line to the former Port Morris freight station.
Old School
PS 27, St. Ann’s and East 147-148 Sts. facing the park, was created from 1895-18978 by architect C.B. J. Snyder.
The AIA Guide to NYC describes it thus:
“Built 5 stories tall for children with good legs and good lungs. The carved limestone escutcheon over the main entrance is an effulgent work of sculpture.”
There’s a lot going on there…eagles, ships, windmills, sunrises, harps, cornucopeas (-i?) globes, scales, hammers, and more I’m probably not even noticing.
Photographed mostly April 2007; page completed June 4, 2007
Re: the plaque at the top of the building at Southern Blvd. and E. 163rd St. This is the coat of arms of the Borough of the Bronx. The building apparently was one of three, including the former Spooner Theatre, built around 1912 and called the Community Buildings. That’s all I have been able to uncover so far.
During the 1950’s the 2nd floor of this building was the location of an bowling alley and pool room. It was known as Harry’s pool room to us. I set pins in this place. Does any one know what happened to a place across the street on Southern Blvd., called the Silver Palms.
The building in question was were I was taken to get my social security card……
Great “tour” Thank you -I am a NYC tour a greatly appreciated the walk through the area
My Dad was a NYC cop and worked outo f the 41 – Simpson St in the 1950s before it became
“Ft Apache”
Another detailed masterwork from beloved webmaster of “Forgotten”! Thank you, Kevin. If I may be so bold, I was researching the area last summer for a Bronx tour and got curious about the infamous “Fort Apache”. Its not difficult to get lots of info thanks to the eponymous film starring Paul Newman. I did visit the site, which sits squarely (or triangularly!) within the historic district, on Simpson St., one block west of Southern Blvd. The old 41st Precinct House was beautifully restored to its former glory in recent years, though now serves a secondary function for NYPD police/detective offices. It can be seen be all, in its infamy, in the film. Thanks again for a comprehensive investigation into this neighborhood. I always feel like I’ve actually just visited a place when you post an article at “ForgottenNew York”…such a valuable resource for tour guides and lovers of our NYC urban landscape.
totally enjoyed all trhe memories(pictures) I grew up at 909 beck street which was at the corner of beck-Tiffany & 163rd street-all the streete were H-O-M-E-WE ALL KNEW EVERYONE FROM ALL AROUND-LOVED THE LOEWS BLVD,SPOONER AND THE STAR THEATER.
Hi, My dad grew up on Beck Street (#901, I think). Maybe you knew him–Artie Sacks? His sisters are Pearl and Helen.
Hi. I lived in 890 Beck St. In the early to late 59’s. I attended PS39 from K-5th grade. Probably 1952-58. My maiden name was Fleisher. Wonder if your father and I k ew one another.
yep…my Mom & I used to go to the STAR & LOEW’s (we pronounced it, “Lowies”) theaters to cool off in the summer & see horror movies. Boris Karloff in “Frankenstein” scared me so badly, Mom had to take me to the Lounge to settle down, LOL.
Do you remember when in 1951 to advertise the movie “The Thing” they painted white footsteps on the sidewalk on Southern Boulevard leading from the corner of E 163rd St to the Spooner Theatre? It seemed like weeks before we had any idea what the footprints were all about.
I grew up on Stebbins Ave where we had thousands of people live in 5 and 6 stories apartment buildings. Harold Mark
Do you know when Kelly Street was blocked off to make Kelly St. Park, predecessor to Rainey Park? And by whom and for what reason?
I grew up at 811 Kelly Street, Apartment #10. Went to P.S. 39, P.S. 52, and Grace Dodge Vocational High School. What a delight it is to see the neighborhood where I grew up. What a beautiful sight to see the P.A.L. again! Every photo brings back memories. Thank You for the memories!
I know your post is almost 4 years old, but I am taking a chance that you will see this. My mom grew up at 811 Kelly street, too. It was likely before your time (she’s 99 years old). I was wondering whether you might have some photos of the place that my mom might enjoy seeing. Her mom died when she was 10 years old (1928) and she was shifted around from place to place after that. Seeing the one, and probably only “home” she remembers would be a blast. Thanks.
The good old days!
Lil Butch , Dawson st.
We need pictures of Paco’s candy store!!
Right on I lived 934 Longwood a.c.
Poco charged penny for water in the 50s
I was born in the Lincoln Hospital 1960. I studied at PS39 and moved out of Beck Street in 1968. I just visited the neighborhood a few weeks ago and it brought back memories.
Hi I use to go to Paco candy store after school and hang out with the gang from Kelly Street
Hello,me, and my cousin fat Henry,and George grew up on 859 Kelly street,went to ps 39,and JHS120.
Hi Tatito I’m on face book by the name Ada Chabrier look me up I keep in touch with Jimmy remember him from 834 Kelly Street would love to hear from you
Hi Anthony you use to call me Martha I was a real good friend of yours went to Grace Dodge high school with you
I grew up on Fox Street corner of Longwood Avenue. I have lost touch with all my friends. These website brought good and bad memories…………….Very nice presentation though!
I grew up around the corner from you…775 Southern Blvd Apt 6F….& East 156th st, Longwood Ave & Fox St. My sister Pat & I went to PS 62. We moved away around 1959. I was 11. Like you, good & bad…the bad was really bad.
Grew up on Avenue St. John. Went to PS 62 also. This was in the 40’s and 50’s. Had a great childhood there. Wen shopping at the Hub. Love this presentation.
PS-62 TEACHERS, 1950:: let’s see…my kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Woodworth, who labelled me as “doesn’t work or play well with others”, and it followed me as a label; cannot remember first grade, second grade was Mrs Gefter, had her again in fourth grade(very nice, smart & sweet- thank God for her), third grade was Mrs Beck, who hit me in the face with her keys, fifth grade was Mrs. MacLaughlin, the owl-faced woman…we mutually despised each other…my friend Thomas Martinez & I found some rocks to throw at her while she was waiting for her bus ..Sixth grade was the awful Mrs Scipione, who slapped me hard & called my father to school so he could slap me again. The Principal was Mr. Lowencrown… Then I went to PS 72…all boys school. There, Mr. Lowe, my printing shop teacher molested me. Glad to leave the Bronx.
I had Woolworth and Lowencrown too. Then I went to JHS 60 – all girls on Stebbins Avenue. I remember the name Sipiobe but never had her. Had Puckett who married and became Rosenberg and McKenna and Gilard who was a monster!
Yeah, I went to PS 39 first while leaving at 827 Kelly Street then to PS 62 after moving to 777 Fox Street, in the early sixties. I remember Mr. Lowencrown. I didn’t like him. I also went to
JHS 52 and DeWitt Clinton H.S.
I grew up at 1115 Intervale Ave. near 167th St. It was demolished in the 1970’s. The property was ingloriously converted into a junk yard which remained until last year, when it was replaced by a senior citizens’ complex, roughly the size of the building where I lived as a child. If I still lived in NY, I’d be eligible to return to my original address.
Brought back great memories. I attended PS 39 when it was a grammar school in the 1940’s & early 50’s. We were released for religious instruction on Tuesdays and went to St Athanasius.
When Prospect Hospital was in existence, I worked there 1977 – 1985. Slid down that group of rocks in St Mary’s Park on a piece of cardboard! I once lived at corner of 149th & St. Ann’s Ave. directly across from park. Bronx was great in the 40’s & 50’s. People who worked at Prospect Hosp. bought the brownstones and preserved the area. God Bless. Thank you!
I was born in Prospect Hospital in 1944. This is the first time I have ever seen the building. I Googled it and found out that it closed in ’85. I never lived in that part of the Bronx because my parents moved from the Mott Haven section shortly before I was born.
I was born there in 1944 also.
LOL…I was born in Prospect Hosp. in 1946…I do remember St. Athanasius…wasn’t it near the Public Library? I roller-skated and bicycled to St. Mary’s Park many, many days.
plenty of nice happy talk of what the government allowed to happen nation wide.
distruction of the old inner cities.
mixing in worthless world politics instead of building the u.s.a.
The Romanesque, onion domed United Church on Hewitt Place is impressive indeed when viewed from Macy Place. This was originally a synagogue completed in 1906–despite the onion domes, which are generally found on Russian or Eastern European churches. THE NAME OF THE SYNAGOGUE WAS MONTIFIORE CONGREGATION. RABBI KATZ WAS IN CHARGE. I WENT TO HEBREW SCHOOL THERE FROM 1933 TO WAS BAR MITZVAH THERE IN 1940. IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SYNAGOGUE.
Hewitt place was where I use to live. I grew up there. I went to I.S. 52 and James Monroe H.S. What beautiful memories. Thanks for the photos.
Robin, what years did u live there,,,,I grew up at 950 Hewitt, until the year 1971..I went to ps 130, across the strret, then 52 when it was all boys, my last year the girls entered then onto Morris High…..
Lived in 920 ave st john until 65…attended all boys Jhs 52….loved Charly’s candy store across the street. Played stick ball on ave st john and had many fights growing up there. Member of the ” Imperial 7s “. Tough times but the most memorable and best years of my life. Parties were called “sets” and the dance was the “grind”. Danced to Allan Freeds albums …Paragons meet the Jesters. Doo whopped in the hall ways. Man…those were the days…they called me Sully (Sauli).
I lived on Fox Street near Longwood Avenue. I went to PS 62 and J.H.S. 52. I remember playing stick ball against the Wildcats on St. John and Southern BLVD. We were the
Hawks I remember the name Imperial 7s and Royal Crowns and yes the parties were called “Sets” and we “Grind” to the music under a yellow, or red, or blue bulb.
i lived in long wood ave between southern blvd and fox went to PS 39 and the PS 62 junior high school 60 then Grace Dodge high school
In what year did you attend PS39? I attended from 2974-68. Then moved to PR.
I lived on Fox st.,My wife onLongwood ave. I worked for Fr, G
when he opened up the the play street on Simpson st. Great days. Played in front of the rectory, When Msgr. O’Brien was the pastor. Wonderfule times going up in the neighborhood. Also workrd at Casita Maria. Nice past. Anyone from the past can e-mail me.
My old stomping grounds from 1957 PS 130, JHS 52, Morris High School, Manhattan Community College and US Army. We lived at 853 Macy Place for many years until my dad bought 779 Prospect Avenue. So many memories of friends and acquaintances some alive some dead.
No cell phones or computers. Played football, softball, basketball and stick ball. I have great memories of a well lived childhood surrounded by great people.
I started Elementary school at P.S. 39, my first grade teacher was Miss Abbott, that was probably 1951, I went there from 1st to 3rd grade. Amazes me I still remember my first grade teacher, she was wonderful guess I’ll never forget her!! We had wonderful times in that neighborhood, lived at 832 Dawson St. Love those memories, ironically the park on Dawson has a building there, maybe an office and a bathroom and the address is 832!! Wow. I remember when the public park on the right side first opened, great memories that live on in my heart. Moved to Queens after 3rd grade.
Wonderful photos, much, much better than google earth views. I was born in Prospect hospital in 1938. I lived at 777 Fox street, between Longwood and 156th st. In my days, we would go to the White mansion,after school, which was then called Juvenile House. It also had a summer day camp that I attended several times. The place eventually became a PAL. The top floor had a large area with a stage and dressing rooms behind it. The stage had a boxing ring where we would box and a basketball court.There were all kinds of after school activities that was provided.I went to PS 62, JHS 52 and Morris HS. Spent many, many hours, after school, bowling at Harry’s bowling ally.
My brother Bernard Silverman had the flagpole dedicated to him in 1946
I remember that PAL…great times there. PS 52, not so much. PS 52 was on Kelly St, right? I think I mistakenly posted PS 72 above somewhere; I think it was PS 52…all boys school on Kelly Street. I was born 1946 in Prospect Hosp., lived at 775 Southern Blvd., Apt 6F. I even remember our first phone #… DAyton 3-7308…. on the big, black, clunky rotary phone.
My father lived at 725 Southern Blvd. You may have known the Ceci family? He had remarkable stories about the neighborhood.
I together with my family lived at 1015 Longwood Avenue. I went to PS 39 and the to Thomas Knowlton Jr HS and from the went to Gomper HS on So. Blvd. and Prospect Ave. I didn’t graduate from Gompers because I went to the HS of Performing Arts on 47th Street in Manhattan. We paid $30 rent (1938 to 1949) it was rent controlled. My parents moved to Connecticut in 1950. These photos bring back such wonderful memories of my childhood living in the Bronx.
I lived at 939 Longwood and went to PS 39!
My grandma had the beauty salon at 931 Longwood ave
Ann Beauty Salon.
Did you know the Cardona family?
We hung out Paco’s candy store 1950-60’s
I lived 934 Longwood.3rd fl
1952 1962 budda lenny janet
My cousins lived apt on top of us.
Buddy Powell’s his sister rosey
My cousin Gerald apartment 11 Uncle Donald is an apartment 16 Chico had the candy store under us Angelo had the grocery store Miller had the hardware store we have a crazy lady in the area called Squatty dotty
I use to spend time at my grandmothers house at 820 Dawson street that was demolished and replaced with a park. Always wondered why they didnt name PS 39 after Colin Powell being that he was from Kelley Street and attended PS 39.
I spent many great years in the forties with a group of friends withwhom I am still in touch….attended ps62 and ps 60 (then all girls)……Adele Lovesky, you lived on fox opposite ps 62….if you happen to come across this site email a message here ….I can remember ps62 classmates( almost every one in my6th grade class)….bertha binik. Patrick Marrinan….Ralph small, Saul steinberg marilyn Keller…..too many ….does anyone know why 947 ave St. John is still standing when the rest of the block of Dickerson buildings was razed? That was my home….. oh,another name from the area …..Joseph bonfiglio….
Wonderful trip down memory lane……many , many thanks……
I went to ps62 in the 50s my name is Ada Chabrier
Does anybody remember Moshmans bakery on Hunts Pt. Ave
Yes, I do and my name is also Sam. The Rabbi from The Intervale Jewish Center was the baker. The nude paintings were done by his son. I also remember the hot dogs on cornbread rolls.
This was my family’s bakery. I definitely remember it. It pretty much destroyed the family, but I have great memories of the food.
I grew up in Hunts Point and went to PS 48 with the Moshman brothers. All my birthday cakes came from Moshmans, and I fondly remember the “Delight Bar”. Does anyone have the recipe – I would love to make it for my family.
I went to ps 48 in the Bronx and was born at hunts point hospital
My fav was the mother who would sit on a stool berating here husband while he served customers asking “vat else?” Across the rooms was a painting he had done of a gorilla behind bars in a cage. I always felt it was somewhat a self portrait. I worked on Garrison Ave and Whittier for over 15 years in the 70s and 80s. I was there every day for breakfast, or a black and white.
yes 1974 ,early morning Babka, Tea Biscuits, Irving in a long white Apron ,always looked tired,smiling, windows covered with fog. (why i remeber these things so clearly)
Does anyone remember Charles Fusco Jr. or Marie Keating from Morris HS?????? Charles was born in 1940 but tragically died at 21 years old falling off a roof…. his GF Marie(?) Keating had a child by Charles in 1960 and she also had another child a year or two later…. One of Marie’s daughters is looking for her (both were given up for adoption…..
Ch arles Fusco lived at 500 Southern Boulevard. H was my boyfriend in 1955. So sorry to hear of his death. Don’t know
a Marie Keating, sorry. Joanne Pastorino
Great photos. I lived on East 165th Street between Whitlock and Longfellow.
Like everyone else I went to the movies on Southern Blvd. The third theater was The Star. As I recall it was the least expensive of the three and had lots of B movies.
Does anyone remember the custard and ice cream place at Westchester and Southern Blvd right next to the El? Fond memories of their pistachio frozen custard.
I grew up in the red house on 723 Beck St 1988-1993 and also on Ave St John 1984-1988
Thank you for the photos!
I lived at 837 Beck Street from 1956-1963. I am wondering if there is an archived listing of the teachers, from the early 60’s. I cannot remember my 1st grade teacher’s name. I was in Class 1-10. I do remember my 2nd grade teacher’s name in Class 2-5: Mrs. Orr. I was in Class 3-1 for 3rd grade but I cannot remember that teacher’s name either. Any help would be appreciated!
Hi. I just read your message. I lived at 890 Beck St. from about 1952-58. I attended PS 39, k-5. Probably 1952-58. I remember my K teacher, Ms Kordower(spelling?). She was a young woman. I distinctly remember that she took us on a walk to local supermarket and we had a tour. amazing. My maiden name was Fleisher.
I lived at 748 Beck st. which is about 100 ‘ from the PAL at 156ths st. Sorry to see it all developed with housing around it. It was a wonderful place to grow up.
I lived at 1086 Southern Boulevard during the mid to late 70’s
Went to ps 150 until 4th grade then moved to Ohio. Big difference.
My best friend during that time was Carlos Martinez. My girlfriends name was Sonia. Don’t remember her last name. The day before we moved to Ohio we made-out under the stairs kissing for hours…lol we were just about 9 0r 10 years old. I believe she had 2 sisters and a brother. I remember that they called the younger sister “Bozo the Clown” because her hair was always messy. I wish i can meet them again. I havent been back to my old neighborhood in 38 years. Plan to make a trip soon.
I attended PS 38 from K-3, 1951-1953. My twin brother and I were born in 1946, at Beth Davids (closed in the early 50’s), in Manhattan. After our father’s death, in 1953, we moved from 653 Cauldwell ave. to 620 Trinity ave., necessitating a change of schools to PS 27. I don’t remember very much about PS 38. (my 1st grade teacher was Mrs. Graham). But I was impressed with the architecture of PS 27, even being as young as I was back then. 4th grade teachers, Mrs. Lewis and the Mrs. friedman.
Had to walk past that photographed outcropping on the149th St. side of St. Mary’s Park, on a daily basis on my way to and from school. I remember climbing up to the top with sand in my pockets, sand which we then sent down the slope so that we could use a strip of cardboard to slide down the slope. The slope was steeper than it appears to be in the photo. If you look closely at the photo, you’ll note that the slope is rather flat and shiny.And there was a solid two railed fence at the bottom, back then. I got very acquainted with that fence only once. Quickly learned to dig my shoes into the ground at the base of the slope, to avoid breaking my neck(or worse!)
I remember the two years it took (1956-58) when the other larger outcroppings, north of 149th St. and Westchester Ave, between Trinity Ave and Cauldwell Ave., were dynamited away to allow the St. Mary’s projects to be built. My brother and I used to climb up onto the southen out cropping, while the condemned old restaurant was still up there. The locals used to call it “cow’s ass” . My guess is that it was called that because from the street level looking up, that’s all that could be seen of the cows that used to be up there. I remember the horses that used to be stalled in old building on the southwest corner of Westchester and Cauldwell ave. Where the Safeway was built in 1957. The horses were used to pull the wagons used to sell vegetables and fruit. There were chickens there too. Remember the smells- odd for the Bronx. Remember the hospital on top of “The rocks” (the outcropping north of Westchester ave.). Was it called, Morrisannia Hospital?(just north of Jackson Ave. station).
I used to rent a bicycle, every now and then, from a bike rental near 149th St. and Southern Blvd.
I’ve been rambling on, sorry. Basically, glad that I was born there, learned alot about hard knocks. But, I was fortunate enough to leave there ( in 1960) and never wanted to go back. Great schools and teachers, especially if you were chosen to be in the best classes. Thank you, God!
Bronx attorney, now retired from the practice of law, Peter Rivera was in my elementary school, and later PS 149 Elijah D. Clark Junior High School classes. I understand that he is, or has been active in local government. He was one of my best friends. I also must praise Mr. Robert Blackman, my science teacher for at least two years at PS 149. A true inspiration!
Also, on a lighter note. I wish to thank The Seven Santini Brothers, Moving and Storage Company (Jackson Ave and Pontiac Place).for allowing us kids to use there building’s front wall and architecture for everything that a “Spaulding” ball (“Spauldeen” ) could be used for. Fun!
I grew up in Hunts Point and went to PS 48 with the Moshman brothers. All my birthday cakes came from Moshmans, and I fondly remember the “Delight Bar”. Does anyone have the recipe – I would love to make it for my family.
The emblem on the building (eagle, rising sun over the sea) was the seal of the Bronx Borough adopted in 1912. I lived in that area (nearby on Vyse and went to school at St John Chrysostom) and many things were built around early 20th c. My house was built in 1901 (still there, far as I know on Vyse). My school was built in 1914. The church early (late 1800s). Having the 1912 seal probably means that building was built then or shortly thereafter. 😀
Like Harold Mark who commented earlier, I also lived on Stebbins. The building is gone now (seems to be a parking lot per Google Street View). Very near Crotona Park. Old five-storey tenement with a basement and courtyard for the trash collection and a skanky alley in the back where the addicts shot up.
OH, and I suspect they may have rented out the second floor. I was only five, but I think that building (the one with eagle/sunset decal) was where I went to my sister’s wedding reception. It just strikes me as that might have been it.
Great times on Longwood ave between Dawson st and Kelly st
Went to PS 39 and JHS 52 on the neighborhood !
Trying to find any Cardona’s they lived 935 Longwood, Rennie, Sarah and Junior !
I lived 934 Longwood ave btwn Dawson and Kelly Street Apartment 9 3rd floor poopy Nelson Cheryl Jojo Bobby Figueroa next building to figueroa’s do you know Eddie Figueroa
Hi I think I know the Cardinals Junior his real name is Luis Cardinal he died two years ago
B4 my time I lived 934 Longwood
3rd fl 1952 born there moved1962
When I want the PS 39 and 57 the principal name was Miss Nathan then mr. Fun Della came you had to be tough to go to PS 39 to survive but those were the good old days
On my way down. They had a good sandwich restaurant called liberties it made the best corned beef sandwich in the world
I’m a Suburban Detroiter, but lived in the NYC area (Bay Ridge 89-90) and then New Jersey-for ten years. I have followed the history of the Bronx. Actually, a native stated that by 1977 “The Bronx was Burnt.” And-I saw the 1995 Nightline piece where they showed the small, new houses on Charlotte Street. Actually-NYC needs high-density housing. I wonder if all the burned up stuff was the same vintage as the surviving buildings? the Southernmost Bronx seemed to have a Lot of turn-of-the Century tenements that were slums from the Beginning, and became more so when Blacks and Puerto Ricans with no funds moved in, and slumlords wouldn’t improve rent-controlled buildings. I’ve also heard that, after they built Co-op city, the remaining Bronx Middle Class moved there, and poorer residents moved to the Older housing. Also-Freeways carved up the Bronx and led to its’ downfall. This certainly happened in Detroit.
941 Southern Boulevard at 163 St was the former Community Building
and the emblem is the Bronx borough seal.
I lived at 676 Back St. from 1948 through 1959. Attended PS 62. Our rent was $52 Per month. I went to the Lowe’s Spooner for $.25 every Sunday as a child. This article brought back wonderful memories of my childhood. Anyone else live on backstreet around that time? Would love to hear from you.
Above should read Beck street not backstreet
I was born in Prospect Hospital in 1948 and would like to find a picture of what the hospital looked like then.
I was transferred from HPDs main office
965 Longwood Ave (formerly) PS39 to improve the property for employers and then prestigious commercial tenants on the upper floors that included Bronx Council On The Arts,
Cornell University extension programs and Banana Kelly. Instead of 6 months, I remained 10 years. My staff and I transformed the building into one of the Bronx’s best kept secret,
We stripped all painted wood to expose the beautiful original oak. With my personal money and the custodians willing to work extra without pay we removed all cement in the entire front yard from and installed plants that grew into beautiful bushes. I purchasd
The new steel door and painted it blue
I feel so proud to see the High School of Techinical Design has continued my legacy to the South Bronx. I have all before and after
Photos. I don’t live in the Bronx but I. visit Jerry’s coffee shop across the street often,
I am so proud of 965 Longwood Avee
It continues to be the highlight of my 28 year career with the Department of Real Estate and HPD.. That’s all folks!!
Sara Green
I attended P.S. 39, kindergarten-6th, graduated from John
Dwyer JHS and went to Art & Design HS. Looking for an old
friend, Olga Ayala! Also, anyone who had Judith Katz at
P.S. 39, she was a very good rteacher!
I had Judith Katz in the 4th grade at PS 39!
hey Violene…Lorraine Brooks here!
Lived at 891 fox street from 1959 until 1971 names I remember Indio, Abel, Papo toro Indio use to fight a lot and was considered to dog. We loved to play stick ball,look for old broom sticks and made stick ball bats,we painted the bases in the street and play. We played tops,skelsies and pitch ball at saint Athannasuis church,We road out bikes to the fritos lays factory and hunts point fruit distribution warehouse for left over fruits, We flew capuchin kites we made, flew pigeons ,we were poor kids but always found fun
I Lived at 780 Beck St. it was a private house only 3 floors Iived there from 1955-1966. I went to PS 62 from Kindergarden 1960 to 5th Grade 1966
My Kindergarden teacher Mrs. Cashman I still have my school picture from PS 62 from 1961.
I loved walking on my block and seeing all the private homes on Beck Street. I later moved to Soundview area of the Bronx but when I got married I had my
wedding reception at the Hunts Point Palace in 1974. I remember going to the PAL at 156thSt and Beck I remember my father picking me up from school and
shaking the hand of Mayor Wagner when the PAL opened.
I lived at 882 Kelly Street, Apt 1A from 1945 until 1961, my parents lived there until the building was destroyed. I attended PS39,
PS60 and Jane Adams HS where I graduated in 1960. I moved to Glens Falls, NY in 1976 and then to Phoenix, AZ in 1992.
I would love to share memories of those days so long ago.
Anything about the South Bronx is always a pleasure to read ababout
Am entranced with the photos of the long ago past. I will take you all back to even earlier times. My family lived at 850 Longwood Avenue, then 911 Longwood Avenue and the last residence was 870 Longwood Avenue. I will be celebrating my95th birthday later this month. I attended P. S. 39 from 1932 to 1937 having “skipped 3B and 5B so I was there for only five years before going on to junior high school in the neighborhood. I can’t recall the street but the principal was Nancy Gertrude Milligan and we wore black bloomers for gym. The uniform for P.S. 39 was a white middy blouse and red tie, don’t remember the skirt. For junior the uniform was blackskirt, white middy blouse and black tie. It was a public school but run like a parochial school. At P. S. 39 I was part of an innovative learning system for short time.. It was called the Dalton Plan. There was no formal. in-struction. Each student was given a contract to complete for the month. The teacher was a resource person who was there to assist if one had a problem in understanding any of the material. If you completed your work in less than the month you could use the time to read or pursue an art project. This program did last long and was only given to selected . students. I went on to High School and Hunter College graduating at 19 and a alhalf and became a teacher. But P. S. 39 gave me my start
Hi I lived at 870 Longwood ave in the 60,s I know Bobby Maldonado,Eddy Zapata,Myrna rodsado Anna Jimenez,Loui Jimenez,Blackie,Lorenzo,Benny Boscio,Angeles,Aida,Blondie.Guilbert, I study at PS39,jr high62 Morris high
This is a whole story in of itself !
My name is Joseph Scales, my family and I lived at 783 Fox St between 156th and Longwood Ave, after returning from Vietnam in 1973 I found that the neighborhoods looked like a bomb had been dropped on the different areas of the neighborhoods, my family moved too Manhattan, and I moved into an apartment at 853 Southern Blvd right where Father Gigante Plaza is located at now, I moved to the Grand Concourse in 1975, then I
too Manhattan in 1980, in 1981 I heard that Father Gigante was looking for Security Officers so I took a job with Father Gigantes Company Sebco Security as a security officer to help secure the first buildings in Sebco 6 and 2 zones, the security program worked, and as more,
buildings became available it meant more work for people in the neighborhood, I remember the first new houses that was built the first was Erma Cava 1 which was for Senior Citizens located on Southern Blvd and
Tiffany St, Then came Erma Cava 2 located on Simpson St, In 1985 I became the Security Director for Sebco Development and Sebco Security, a position that I held until my departure in 1992 for another position
on Wall St, I remember when the first modular homes was brought in for building on Tiffany St. As I now reflect back too those years now, I watched how a Community and Neighborhood rose back from destruction to
become livable again, I currently have moved from NYC and retired back home in North Carolina. I still monitor and watch what is going on in my old neighborhoods back in Da Bronx….I watch as they continue grow and
rebuild and rise from the ashes like a Phoenix.
Hi does any one remember Jimmy Matos he lived in 834 Kelly Street he went to PS39 in the 50s
Wow, this took me back. I lived on Garrison and went to PS 48 in the 60s. I loved Moshman’s!
Wow all you guys live in the same area that I grew up I’m a lot younger the first place I remembered was Simpson st the corner building on 163rd st, that’s still standing, we moved to Hewitt Pl that building was demolished in the
Late 70’s I went to P.S.130 the small school across the street from the main school I attended the small school for 2 yrs n the big school for 1 yr that’s on Prospect Ave n 156th st.we moved again to somewhere around Beck St
Than we moved to 790 Dawson I had so much here I live here during the 1977 blackout we moved a day after that to Connecticut for almost 2yrs omg yes than we moved back to the same area we finally settled @911 Longwood this place wow man I must say boy did I have fun in this neighborhood I lived here until 1990 I also went
P.S.39 n I.S.52 they filmed the move Beat Street I would love to see some old pic from my old neighborhood hope someone can see my post.thank you .
Beautiful photos which brought back many memories. My elementary school was PS27. Beautiful building. I remember running up and down the many stairs.
We used to have gym in St Mary’ Park. I remember the swings. The massive rocks we climbed so many times in the 70’s. I graduated 6th grade in 1980.
I know the area very well
I grew up in the Fordham Rd/University Heights neighborhood 1940’s – 50’s. Moved to Riverdale where I met Grace Dodge, who was in her 90’s. Would she be the one that school was named for? She was from the Dodge family of “Phelps-Dodge” Corporation. She may have funded that school when that neighborhood was being revitalized.
Mary Jane- lived at 673 Beck St, by Ave St John, when to Ps 130, St. Anselm, JHS 52 and than Evander Child’s
N Hunter College. Worked at United Bronx Parents Day Care on Westchester. Than I moved to Florida
Thank you “for the memories” – I wish I could relive them again. I lived at 1022 East 156th St. And Southern Boulevard I too went to the Elementary School
around the corner from 156 Street and Southern Boulevard. But it was not PS 62. PS 62 was a Junior High School for girls towards Westchester Avenue.
I passed by P.S. 39 as I walked there. I graduated from PS 62 and went to Walton High School, which I do not think it exists today. PS 52 was an all boys
Junior High School, most went to Bronx Vocational afterwards. I remember the Lowes’s Spooner, the Lowe’s Boulevard, the Star, and even Howard Clothes.
I think the Elementary School number, but not sure, was P.S. 03 (I think) My teacher’s also were Ms. Woodworth, Mrs. Geffner, Mrs. Beck, and last Mrs.
McLaughlin. I loved my teachers in elementary school, they were all nice to me. Except a chubby student named Charlie that threw a large snowball at me
when I was leaving school. To this day I still remember Charlie’s face. Still angry at him at my age as a late senior citizen. Good old 1022 E. 156th St. Amen