This rather nondescript factory building at Jamaica Avenue and 184th Place in Hollis produced the stuff that kids’ dreams were made of for Ideal Toys for several decades from the 1950s through 1982, when the company moved to Harmon Meadows, NJ. Ideal was founded in 1903 as the Ideal Novelty and Toy Company in Brooklyn by Morris and Rose Michtom. The company’s first big hit was the teddy bear: the stuffed ursine was inspired by President Teddy Roosevelt. Ideal quickly expanded into the country’s premier toy manufacturer, enjoying success with dolls such as the Betsy Wetsy and Tammy.

photo: Andy Hoffer
By the time I arrived on the scene in the 1960s, Ideal was producing popular board and party games such as Mousetrap, based on the Rube Goldberg comic strips, and Hands Down. Before it was sold to CBS in 1982, its last big hit was the Rubik Cube, which is impossible to solve. I know, because I have tried twice.
In 2014, Ideal was sold again to Alex Brands, which still produces toys, dolls and games under the Ideal name.
An interesting aspect of the company was that it wanted to build a factory adjacent to the Iron Triangle in the early 1960s, but could not manage to lock down a deal. Shea Stadium was constructed on the site instead.
Check out the ForgottenBook, take a look at the gift shop, and as always, “comment…as you see fit.”
Is the building still in use for anything?
As Ideal was moving out in 1981 Rodless , the new owner moved their quilt manufacturing from Manhattan. and began renting parts of the building to various companies. My sllk screen supply company, Victory Factory moved here in 1981. We are still here as are a few trucking companies, The French Connection NY headquarters and several other companies. Recently, Gotham Greens built a huge greenhouse on the roof growing salad.
The building changed hands again in 2016 and is currently being improved by the new owners.
I’ve got a box top from 1936 mailed from Ideal to Rhodes Bros. in Tacoma, WA. 43 cents (5 @ 8 + 1 @ 3) worth of stamps with “Long Island CIty, N.Y.” on each. If anyone’s interested: hayescagesllc at gmail
And as Magilla Gorilla would say the toys were ‘Ideal’
I have a very big girl doll she is only 29 in tall she is not a talker no one seems to know anything about her she’s identical to z32 in except she is not a talker Wade appreciate anything
Patty Play pal
I remember the building well, It was on my Sanitation route when I worked for NYDS in the 80’s and NYC also had offices in the building at the time. NYC would put out some bags for pick-up and Ideal would mix some bags into the pile. There was some good pickings of old toys as they were cleaning out the building for the move!!! My Mother and her friends worked there in the 60’s, more free toys!!! Those were the days…….Rich T
Ideal made my favorite dolls when I was a little girl in the 70s. I still have one that I received for Christmas in 1972.
Since the 80s I guess, as commuters whiz by the backside of the building on the LIRR, there has been a sign admonishing that “If you rented here, you’d be at work by now…”. Always thought that curious. Building kind of decrepit even then. I think my dad worked here in the 50s as a stock guy, and he would mention as we drove by headed back to Bellerose from his relatives in Brooklyn. We were impressed as kids.
My mom always told about how my grandma worked there back in the 60’s and 70’s when my mom was a kid
Wonder if your grandmother knew my dads brother (my uncle) Nat Gelfand.. Nat was chief toy designer before
he climbed the corporate ladder
I used to climb over a wall in back by LIRR in mid 50s. My friends and I went through the mistakes. We got toys that were just fine for us
My parents worked there and so did my grandma and uncle. My grandma held on to the very first dolls that they made. It was a flat face doll with white hair and a wedding dress. Don’t know where it is now though. I always had memories of what my parents did when they worked there only because my uncle told me how popular my dad was. My dad mixed the powder and they gave him a nick name. It seemed like everyone got along well at the work place. It was sad when all those people lost their jobs. Never knew my dad, but it sure was nice to know that he loved his job so much, that he became so popular at the work place.
Wonder if they knew my dads brother (my uncle) Nat
Gelfand.. Nat was chief toy designer before he climbed
corporate ladder
I knew Nat Gelfand. I worked for Ideal Toys from 1974 to 1983.I worked in Account Payable. I handled all the expense reports for travel and entertainment.
I’m writing a book on the dollhouse furniture produced by Ideal in that very building! Can I have your permission to use your image? Of course, I would credit you and the site.
I built a model of the clipper ship Golden Hind produced By Ideal. I was 18 I am now 81 and want to reclaim my youth. Can you help me locate the original unbuilt model? I have recently retired and now have the time to rebuild my masterpiece. It was a work of art. No luck on Ebay.
Thanks in advance
Stu Coleton
8 Apple Hill Lane
Peekskill, N.Y. 10566
My husband’s father worked there in the 60s as a janitor. His name was Charles Wayland (not sure if last name is spelled correct). He is trying to locate his father. He had a sister named Linda. Would appreciate any help!!
The present Ideal Toy Co. building, in the middle 1970’s had decorative cows heads affixed to the front of the building, when we last saw the building and the area.
Was this building a creamery, or milk plant before Ideal moved into it and are the cow head decorations still on the buildings facade?
Please, if you would advise.
Thank you,
Ralph Lambiase, Sr.
my uncle and aunt had a luncheonette across the street until the 1960s. Willie and Helen Cohen. Does anyone know the name of the luncheonette?
I went to Saint Gerards Catholic school in the early 60’s. A small lunchenette was on the corner Aka Helens candy store. They made the best hamburgers and we had lunch there daily. Also the best penny candy. If you look up the Catholic school you may find pictures of the store. A lot of great memories at Helens, sweet people.
I believe the closest store to St. G’s was Bobers also known as Jacks candy store on 189th n Jamaica Avenue
My dad Douglas Jennings worked there. It was great Christmas at our house. He loved his job, and got along really great with his colleagues. They bought him a little radio, so he could listen to his country music. I guess at worked that was what he liked to listen to. At home he listened to country, and jazz from the 40s and 50s. AS you can imagine, Christmas was always great.
Wonder if your dad knew my dads brother (my uncle) Nat Gelfand.. Nat was chief toy designer before he climbed the corporate ladder
My late aunt worked at the Ideal factory way back when it was in Long Island City (late ’30s – early ’40s). Do you know of any photos of that building?
I’m desperately trying to find a replacement mechanism for the ideal thumbelina doll. Any help is appreciated!
Hi Linda! I am desperately looking for the “battery butt cover” for a Black Thumbelina doll. Any help is appreciated. For the mechanisms, you may need to buy an old doll on ebay…
My uncle (Nat Gelfand) who was my dads brother was
part of Ideal as well as a toy inventor..I was fortunate to get all the first toys from ideal as a child.. wish I had them now!
I worked for Ideal Toy around 1970. My supervisor was Ted Baldwin I would love to see him again.
I collect some ideal toys. Captain Action , Super queens super heros , evil Knievel, etc. also GI JOE – by hasbro ….If anybody wants to sell I I pay very well. I’m on Long Island New york or can do mail order
My dad was a machinist in the early 70’s. I believe 1969-1974. George Kotsailidis. I have his Kennedy tool boxes full of machining bits and drills along with Starett calipers. He was Union I believe. Some of his papers are still in the top lid of the toolbox. I long lost my dad to cancer in 1985. He left the ideal toy corp to work for Dial car which was one of the first Radio taxi companies. It was Christmas at our house when he used to bring home toys. The one I remember most was the Evil Kneivel motorcycle stunt set. I was 3 or 4 at the time.
I remember the factory, my family used to pass it on the way home from May’s to St. Albans. I wished one of my parents worked there .
My mother worked for Ideal in the early 60’s and cut her arm on a machine, needing stitches. Her name was Dolores Nicosia, we lived in Hollis 191 street.
I am an author based in Texas looking for Ideal Toys employees that worked for the company between 1970 and 1990 for a new book project I am exploring. If this is you, please contact me at
Anyone know if we can find the commercials for all the Ideal board games. Some are on you tube but so many are missing.