I was ambling along West 14th Street just outside the A/C/E/L train on 8th Avenue on my way to the Apple store on 9th to get my IPhone unlocked (I had hit the wrong button or something. I usually went to Tekserve for stuff like this, but they were rent-increased out of existence).
I noticed a Pangolin (I8U2-236a) street vent that had had a certain something added. A face, strictured and squinted as if in pain, stared out. Clearly, this was a person who had been encased in carbonite like Hans Solo in Star Wars. It was accompanied by the usual street art trappings including a stencil proclaiming it to be ‘not art.’ This only reinforced my theory about the carbonite.
Strangely enough I was back on the same block yesterday, on my way to Apple HQ again, to get a battery replaced (you can’t just pop it in like any other device). I had forgotten the vent was there; I am forgetting stuff of late.
Quite apropos.
Check out the ForgottenBook, take a look at the gift shop, and as always, “comment…as you see fit.”
1 comment
I guess they added that street vent when they dug real deep under 8th Avenue when the IND was added..The Canarsie line was first, I believe….