I always try to feature Volkswagen Buses when I encounter them. Joe DeMarco found this wonderfully restored specimen on Roosevelt Avenue in Corona. VW buses, under their original design, came…
47th Avenue and 109th Street, 3 PM 4/12/14
A perennial FNY favorite feature for the last 15 years. Answer in comments by number, please. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7…
I got this photo of a 1934 1935 LaSalle convertible in Brooklyn Bridge Park a few years ago. The park, stretching along the East River from Old Fulton Street to Atlantic…
I was skulking around the Financial District/lower Tribeca on Greenwich Street when I found this closed CEMUSA newsstand. On the side window was something unusual, which set off some reminiscences:…
Found this Buick beauty on 166th Street and Depot Road in Flushing a couple of years ago. Anyone have further details? 1/25/13
Walking down West 21st Street in Chelsearecently I spotted a classic car parked by the sidewalk, and a not-so-quick online search revealed that it was a Studebaker Gran Turismo Hawk, one…