JOHN RANKIN HOUSE, Carroll Gardens

by Kevin Walsh

Just a quickie today, while other pages are in the works…

You could do worse than be laid out at the F.G. Guido Funeral Home at #440 Clinton Street, at the corner of Carroll. The Greek Revival brick building went up in 1840, years before the brownstones surrounding it, built for wealthy merchant John Rankin, who wanted a mansion on high ground with a full view of the waterfront. Simplicity in design was the key here, and the building is evenly proportioned with very tall brick pilasters (attached columns) on each side of the Clinton Street facing. The entrance was designed with granite as were the fence pillars. It was designated a NYC Landmark in 1970.

I’ll be changing computers this week, or will try to, so pages may be a bit slower in coming while I master new editions of Photoshop and other software.

Check out the ForgottenBook, take a look at the gift shop, and as always, “comment…as you see fit.”


1 comment

Peter August 11, 2020 - 7:34 pm

It’s not that odd a conversion. Traditionally, most of the 10 to 12 funeral homes in my Connecticut hometown were conversions of big Gilded Age houses built for captains of industry when the city was a lot more prosperous tthan it is today, with just a couple having been purpose-built. Most served particular ethnic/religious communities. Today there’s been some consolidation and more of the remaining ones serve all groups.


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