FLETCHER’S Castoria ads have been a staple in the Forgotten New York ancient painted ads category from the very beginning, back in 1999. They can be seen frequently in photographs…
I was digging around in my Facebook photo files and I came up with a cache of photos that were sent by US Naval academician David Silver back in 2012…
FORGOTTEN NEW YORK hasn’t been to the Bronx nearly as much as it should have been, and we’ll see if time can correct the error. Meanwhile, we’ll depend this week on…
I’ve slowly come to the realization that Forgotten is woefully deficient as far as the Bronx, the only borough on the mainland, is concerned. And that’s ironic, since the Bronx, street…
Ads for this children’s stomach remedy can be found all over the five boroughs. Most date back to the Teens or Twenties. Charles H. Fletcher began selling his Castoria, a mild…