A run of preternaturally sunny and mild November weather has allowed me to do some ForgottenWalks covering much of mid-and southern Brooklyn as well as western Manhattan, and all this…
Crown Heights
NeighborhoodsRoadsStreet ScenesWalks
BEDFORD AVENUE Part 2: Beverly Road to Atlantic Avenue
by Kevin WalshHas it been two years since I began my Bedford Avenue survey with a walk along its entire length from Emmons Avenue in Sheepshead Bay north to its beginnings at…
There’s a conclave of sorts in Crown Heights, where St. John’s, St. Charles and St. Francis Places all come together just west of Bedford Avenue. Running from 5th Avenue and Douglass Street…
More than any other borough, Brooklyn pretty much adheres to the strict checkerboard grid system that was devised when its six towns coalesced into one city in the late 1800s.…
I don’t drive. Not only don’t I see the sense in laying out hundreds a month for car payments, gasoline and repairs, I’m carphobic, and don’t see the sense in…