News came this week [2009] that a 600 year old tree in Douglaston was rotting — it wasn’t dead yet, but it was getting there finally, and before more branches cracked off, it…
Greenwich Village
I was at West 14th and 8th Avenue the other day when I decided to walk Bleecker Street from 8th Avenue all the way east to the Bowery, its entire…
“Bedford” is perhaps a better-known appellation on Brooklyn, where Bedford Avenue is the borough’s longest, running from Greenpoint to Sheepshead Bay, or the Bronx, where Bedford Park borders Fodham University and…
Even as NYC’s Department of Transportation has been installing retro Bishop Crooks and retro M24 longarm Corvingtons, and even some scattered reverse scroll Type F’s and Lyres around town (forgive me,…
I was surprised, and disappointed, to see one of NYC’s iconic painted walldog ads is gone, as the giant Wellner Motors ad on Greenwich Avenue facing 8th opposite Jackson Square has…
Lucky thing Forgotten NY has a deep bench — on Saturday, January 19, 2008 I walked Fifth Avenue from Washington Square to Central Park, obtaining pictures for an upcoming page.…
8th Street exists in Manhattan in two distinct sections: from Cooper Square west to 6th Avenue, and from Avenue B east to Avenue D. (5th Avenue divides it East and West).…
CONTINUED FROM CREAKY ALLEYS PART 1 Before testing our courage and skulking around some more of lower Manhattan’s rare extant alleys, I thought we should pay tribute to a pair…
CREAKY ALLEYS PART 1: A new look at lower Manhattan’s centuries-old alleys
by Kevin WalshYour webmaster recently went prowling about lower Manhattan, re-shooting the little-known laneways and alleys of the island’s underbelly. It wasn’t so much an attempt to revisit old ground–though admittedly, the…
So far September 2007 had proven much cooler than October 2007, which had seen July-like temperatures, at least until the 7th. September was perfect for a breezy walk along West…
Greenwich Village’s Perry Street is named for US naval hero Commodore Oliver H. Perry, who, after winning the Battle of Lake Erie in the War of 1812, stated “we have met the…
FIRST of all, we’ll get Houston Street’s derivation, and its unusual pronunciation, out of the way: The street from the Hudson River to Bedford had acquired its name by 1803, when…