While making my way around Greenpoint in December 2017 (the full journey will turn up on FNY at length) I noticed several items around the neighborhood bestowed with the title…
I couldn’t resist posting this item in advance of some major posts on Greenpoint, to which I did extensive walks in the spring and late December of 2017. I have…
The fifth bridge to cross the noxious and noisome Newtown Creek between the unglamorous neighborhoods of Greenpoint and Blissville opens to traffic as the rickety bucket of bolts known as…
Some of the buildings on Franklin Street in Greenpoint bear the stamp of the old C.A. Friberg Iron Foundry, #2 to 8 Driggs Street. There is no Driggs Street at…
I was lurching around Greenpoint in the summer of 2015, nearly insensate from the brain-melting 88 degree temperature. The “Garden Spot of the Universe” is relatively treeless, and therefore, relatively…
Continued from Part 4 For this trip, I transferred from the J train to the 7 train. The two lines do not have a transfer point at any station —…
Continued from Part 3 For this trip, I transferred from the J train to the 7 train. The two lines do not have a transfer point at any station —…
Continued from Part 2 For this trip, I transferred from the J train to the 7 train. The two lines do not have a transfer point at any station —…
Glad to be with you this week — for most of the day I began to compose the page it looked like I wouldn’t be able to do it, as…
It’s hard to imagine Meeker Avenue without the viaduct of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway running down its center, but the diagonal byway, which separates the street patterns of Greenpoint and East…
CONTINUED FROM PART 1 I walked West Street in Greenpointin September 2015, and it may have been a propitious time to do so because the west end of Greenpoint is,…
In the summer of 2013 I walked Greenpoint’s West Street from end to end, and never got around to working on a page about what I had found. Then, a…