THIS week I’m continuing with explorations of north-south streets in Chinatown, Little Italy and the Lower East Side. Having already covered Christie Street and Eldridge Street, I’ll complete the trio…
Little Italy
EARLY December 2023 was mild, in the 50s and 60s, foretelling a winter that was milder than usual…again. In the era of climate change, no winter has been below normal…
On this Ash Wednesday (and St. Valentine’s Day), let’s visit one of NYC’s oldest Catholic churches at Mulberry and Prince Streets in Little Italy. Old St. Patrick’s is called “old”…
LOOKING south on Cleveland Place from Kenmare Street. Cleveland Place was renamed from Marion Street to honor President Grover Cleveland (1837-1908), who had been Governor of NYS, toward the domed former NYPD…
THE family-run Albanese Meats & Poultry, in business in Little Italy since 1923 and currently at #238 Elizabeth Street between Prince and East Houston, features what appears to be a…
Continued from Part 1 In the late winters and springs of 2021-2022 I found I was walking through Soho and its bordering neighborhoods, Chinatown and the Lower East Side. Already,…
ROGUE is a vintage clothing store on Stanton Street between the Bowery and Chrystie Street. I didn’t stop in, I don’t haunt these kind of places (previously I bought all…
HESTER is name not commonly given to girls anymore, but it has a lengthy history; it’s a variant of the Hebrew name Esther, which translates to “star.” Many Hesters have…
It’s time for another entry in FNY’s Cross Streets of NYC series! I have been walking Manhattan’s numbered streets from east to west or vice versa so compulsively, I’ve decided…
Baxter Street begins at NYC’s more infamous precincts (for two separate reasons over the years) and runs generally north and northwest to Grand, where it ends at the old but…
In deep and dark November I took a walk straight up Mulberry Street for its entire length, which I had never previously done. It skirts the west edge of Chinatown and cleaves…
I did a presentation on Monday, March 7, 2016 in Astoria about Travis, Staten Island, a place formerly known as Linoleumville, where between 1873 and 1931 there was a large…