I was lurching about Lower Manhattan on a May 2010 Saturday, completing my FNY self-imposed assignment — to locate every possible overlooked, forgotten-about and uncared-for detail in sight, photograph it,…
Financial District
When NYC’s Department of Transportation wants something gone, it’s gone, and there’s not much you can do. Even though the DOT has been spending a couple of decades installing retro versions…
Forgotten Fans gather at two Type C 1910-vintage lamps flanking entrance of 1 Hanover Square downtown Well, your webmaster is never gonna get rich writing about lampposts, taking pictures of lampposts, or…
While meandering about desultorily in the rain down Maiden Lane in the eastern Financial District downtown in May 2003 I came across an unmarked street issuing north. I ascertained after about a…
IT’S ALWAYS FUN when it’s time to do a lamppost page in Forgotten NY, because these vaguely anthropomorphic untility poles are what got me started with this Forgotten NY stuff…
There’s a lot of Forgotten stuff the guidebooks want nothing to do with right under the noses of Wall Street brokers and Statue of Liberty-bound Iowans right down at the tip…
On September 16, 1920, person or persons unknown exploded a bomb in front of 23 Wall Street, then as now the offices of J.P. Morgan Inc., causing 400 injuries, some…
PART ONE: WALL STREET / CITY HALL / LOWER EAST SIDE Hundreds of statues dot the Manhattan landscape, and indeed, in all five boroughs. All but a handful represent idyllic,…
Unnoticed in the gold-plated greenbacked canyons in the shadow of Wall Street is a short, one-block, curved street called Stone. Remarkably immune to Lower Manhattan’s incredible cycle of renewal in…
Street Lamps
FAMOUS CROOKS OF YORE. The evolution of NYC’s most popular pre-1950 lamppost.
by Kevin WalshAs many Bishops Crooks lampposts that are still standing…there are legions of these old warriors that are no more. As late as the early to mid 1980s, the streets of…
FIVE POINTS / CIVIC CENTER WEST Continued from Part 1 Five Points, (the approximate location of which is circled in grey) which had long been wiped out by the time…
This 1946 Hagstrom of the Wall Street area (boxed in gray) of Manhattan shows a large number of streets that have disappeared over the decades, many of which made it…